So who has used the Dungeons as Monsters rules from Dark Heart of the Dreamer?

So who has used the Dungeons as Monsters rules from Dark Heart of the Dreamer?

So who has used the Dungeons as Monsters rules from Dark Heart of the Dreamer?  I’m interested in giving them a spin and was looking for stories on how they worked out for you.  Has anyone used them in conjunction with actual rules for monsters?


3 thoughts on “So who has used the Dungeons as Monsters rules from Dark Heart of the Dreamer?”

  1. All of my actual play posts have involved the use of Dungeons as Monsters, though I usually don’t go in depth on the inner workings. I find that the most valuable part of using the rules is actually sitting down and coming up with 3-5 forces within a dungeon. Although I do roll the dice for each room, I tend to play fast and loose with the results if I find that I have a more interesting idea. 

    But yeah, broadly, I’d say the important part is recognizing that your dungeon is not just an environment, but a living place that reacts to the players in a variety of ways.

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