I’ve created some “Debility Cards” for use in my upcoming Dungeon World games, in a similar fashion to my old 4th Edition Condition Cards. Check em out and let me know what you think!
http://www.theweem.com/2013/06/dungeon-world-debility-cards/I’ve created some “Debility Cards” for use in my upcoming Dungeon World games, in a similar fashion to my old 4th…
I’ve created some “Debility Cards” for use in my upcoming Dungeon World games, in a similar fashion to my old 4th…
Wow, these look really nice. A suggestion, though – you should put the DW Debility names at the top of each card, the ones listed on the character sheets. Weak, Shaky, Sick, Stunned, Confused, and Scarred.
I considered it, but I didn’t want people to feel limited in the use of the card. For example, CHA says “Scarred” but I’m sure I could use that card for more than applying a scar, literally, to a character. I did debate putting those in, I just felt like it might feel restrictive in that form (a physical card)
Wow, just looked at your 4e cards – awesome tracking resource!!
These cards are nice but I strongly agree with Jacob: naming the debility on the card would help them inspire the fiction better and make them punchier. As they are, just a -1 modifier, they’re dry and merely mechanical. And you already hint toward their fiction consequences with the diagrams in the top left, I just think something stronger would make the cards more interesting.
Also, I’d say named debilities can be thought of very broadly, “Scarred” shouldn’t be limited to physical scars alone but include emotional scars, mental scars, spiritual scars; indeed, anything that might make a character uglier or less charismatic in the eyes of others.
Oliver Granger Interesting, and noted. It’s true, I am essentially alluding to their consequence, as you say, with the icons. I’ll think about that some more, thanks
Mike Weem awesome graphics! you made a 3 cards-per page layout, you could (if you want, off course) put one or two with the standard debilities name and the remaining with an empty space to write on (leave blanks
Well, at the very least this post got me thinking that I should threaten characters with debilities more often as an option when they have to make a hard choice.
For what it’s worth, the lack of fiction name is the first thing that jumped at me. Well, right after “Wow, these look great!”
The pictures are really great, and adding the name of the debility would make them a must use. As is, I’d avoid them because the fiction needs to come first.
William Nichols I’m not sure the lack of the debility name steps on the toes of “fiction first” in this case. The fiction does come first, followed only then by the handing of a card to the player, etc. They certainly could be used without the fiction being a factor… but that will be true of almost any game accessory here.
[edit to add]: That said, I will indeed be adding the names – hopefully later tonight
huston todd Awesome! Glad you like em
I’ve updated the cards to include the Debility names now (Weak, Shaky, Sick, etc)
Excellent! I shall print them out today and my players shall be heavily debilitated tonight
Thanks, Mike Weem !
Any luck you could come up with something similar for the basic and special moves?
Julien Dumas I had considered that, but I don’t have the time at the moment