Hi everyone at the Tavern!
I’d like to order the Dungeon World book + pdf bundle, but it’s apparently out of stock at Indie Press Revolution. Is it possible to order the bundle, download the PDF and get the book as soon as it is available? Or should I simply download the PDF at DrivethruRPG – and order the book later on? Can I get the book from somewhere else?
Also, is it possible to ship the book abroad (Belgium, Europe)?
Thanks for your help!
Try Leisure Games – uk-based but ships anywhere
They look to have it in stock and they will provide the pdf
Thanks a lot, Brad!
Ordered… ^_^
you’re welcome
I ordered from Indie Press three weeks ago. They said they were getting new stock in the day I ordered. I asked last week, they said the new stock had just come in and they were “filling back orders”. Still no dispatch. Makes me angry.
I’ll let you know if I get mine before yours.
(Just kidding… I hope you’ll get yours before! Three weeks is already a long time when you’re just waiting to leave on an epic journey…)
Besides, Leisure games said “book + complimentary PDF (via publisher)”. Does that mean that I should ask someone to get the PDF, or are they going to send it in the following days? (I asked Leisure Games – no answer yet.)
Woo! Having written that post last night, my copy arrived this morning. I even made a post about it
Cool! :o)
We are sending IPR our last 80 books this week. Then DW will be out of print until we can get the new print run out there.
Well… congrats!
(One of the few cases where 10+ can actually bring some complications, I suppose…)