So maybe I missed it somewhere in the book, but how do you deal with it if two PCs get into a fight with one another?
So maybe I missed it somewhere in the book, but how do you deal with it if two PCs get into a fight with one another?
So maybe I missed it somewhere in the book, but how do you deal with it if two PCs get into a fight with one another?
Here’s the best I’ve come across: the attacking player acts just like he’s fighting a monster (Hack & Slash), but the defending player rolls+Bond to interfere in hope of giving a -2 penalty to the attacker.
Be sure it’s about what’s happening in the fiction, not just with the dice!
Here’s a couple of things: DW isn’t really designed to do that. Also, why are your PCs fighting?
Well actually a few of the starting bonds seem to be designed to bring characters into conflict. I’m just wondering what to do if they come to blows. I was thinking something along the lines of telling the players to describe their tussle and I’ll tell you when its a move. And then never declaring a move and instead interrupting them by showing signs of an approaching threat.
Josh Harden, no. When there is a move then they roll the move. It’s not part of your principles or agenda to stop players from fighting.
Brennen has the right of it. If the result ends up being a 9 or less then the opposing player gains the advantage and has a chance to act, either to fight back or run away. It is also up to them if they do their damage.
Tim Franzke I’m not trying to stop them. I’m seeing it as a golden opportunity and using it to show signs of an approaching threat. Honestly I might even go to deal damage claiming there fight distracted them from a looming threat.
The principle that this lines up with is “think dangerous”
It’s not any different from normal. When they make a move or it calls for a GM move (including deal damage), you do that. Always follow the fiction and you’ll be fine, as long as both players are into seeing how the tussle goes down. If the players aren’t excited about fighting, they should do something else!
It has been discussed there also: