I have a few questions:
How can a character (not a wizard) know if an item has magic property?
If a druid character chooses the advancement “hunter’s brother” would you let him pick the move “god amidst the wastes” from the ranger list? (My opinion it’s no, you can’t)
The Ranger’s animal companion, it is something you can pick through moves like hunter’s brother or multiclass dabbler?
1&2: ask your players, not random guys over the internet.
3: yes.
I couldn’t see why you couldn’t choose “God Amidst The Wastes” unless I’m misreading something.
1) Spout Lore? Discern realities? Just make it obvious? “Yeah, the sword is covered with glowing runes.” Have the characters hire an Adept hireling? Bardic Lore? Have the bad guy they take it from use it against them, clearly demonstrating its awesome properties? I mean, these are all good suggestions if the players are clearly stumped in how to go about it.
2) It seems legit by the rules. If it makes you uncomfortable, maybe ask the player things like: “So what does it mean that you’re interacting with your god in the same way rangers often do? What are the downsides to that? What are the upsides? Does developing a relationship with the god complicate your relationship with the nature spirits who provide your druidic powers? Okay, why not? Do you offer them something to mollify them?”
I love the answer for #1: “What about this weapon seems magical?”
God In The Wastes is a Ranger move and thus, available.
Figuring out what a magic item is/does will often involve some trial and error. There’s no specific move/spell that gives you that specific information, but some might point towards it. Really, though, it’s largely in the fiction: “the sword burst into flames? WOAH.”
A little ritual could also do the job.
Vasiliy Shapovalov you are not random guys, you are part of a community!
About the magic item: it didn’t happened in my games, I was just wondering if there was something I was missing or I could do as many of you have suggested.
The other questions about advancement come from the fact that one of the players in my game that is playing (guess what?) a druid is thinking about all that advancement option but just focusing on the mechanical effect/choice (he just wants to heal).
Some of the thing I asked him was:
So what about the spirits? Now you bealive in a god?
And, since you were preaching about how no one must interfere with the nature, it’s ok with you to train a beast?
And just for the record: I have splitted my gaming groups in two (3 players in each group) and one gruoup it’s entirely of people that “give dungeon world a bad name”. While the other is cool, fun and the games run smoothly.
…what I meant was “yes, it’s legit to take god amidst the waste. But I think you (the player) are just trying to exploit a loophole and not making a choice in character related to the fiction”.
Good. You’ve split them into team, now toss them into the pit and let them fight.
Lenny Pacelli: “To do it, you have to do it” is a principle, I think, that applies to advancements, as well. You can’t take an advancement that isn’t justified.
Well, there is no loophole in rules. And making character a believer is a golden opportunity for you to squeeze some roleplay from the player.
Who wants to bet on the druid one vs the druid two?
Split = instead of having a group with six players, we have two different groups with a game of its own each. Otherwise I would use the pit and go to the cinema while they fight eachother.
I meant players, not characters.
Vasiliy Shapovalov oh, that’s spuer cool! So no cinema, I’ll watch the show at home!
As Adam said, but remember Druid introduction:
“Listen to your allies pray to their carved stone
gods and polish their silver shells […] Their gods are children, their steel is false protection.”
Your Druid will have to find a real good god who outmatches the others. It won’t be easy.
Ok, thank you all! I have made a fool of myself enough for today!
Hope you enjoyed the show, and thanks to my sidekick Vasiliy Shapovalov for his enjoyable partecipation.
Stay tuned for the next episode of Dum Questions!
Nah, it was great to see this all fleshed out!
Aside: There’s always the balance move for druids when they level up, it’s pretty effective — compared to cure light wounds, it’s not a move to use the healing ability; a group I’ve GM’d several times has a ranger w/ god amidst the waste and a druid w/ balance and a paladin — the druid has the easiest time healing by far simply by not needing to roll 10’s to avoid stuff! (Just an option if they only really want the mechanical benefit and don’t want to roleplay out the divinity bit — that sounds really fun if they do!)