Help with Burglars please – our party has no thief to check for traps so are taking along a burglar.

Help with Burglars please – our party has no thief to check for traps so are taking along a burglar.

Help with Burglars please – our party has no thief to check for traps so are taking along a burglar. It says ‘If a trap would be sprung while a burglar is leading the way the burglar suffers the full effects but the players get +skill against the trap and add the burglar’s skill to their armor against the trap. Most traps leave a burglar in need of immediate healing.’

Does this mean that burglars automatically set off a trap and suffer the effects? Seems like a hard way to make a living! Is this right? How else could you handle it?

9 thoughts on “Help with Burglars please – our party has no thief to check for traps so are taking along a burglar.”

  1. Well you missed the first phrase.

    When a burglar leads the way they can detect traps almost in time. If (and only if) a trap would be sprung while a burglar is leading the way…

    That just means that a burglar can detect traps most of the times.

    Reading the following comments, I guess I was wrong!

  2. They detect traps 100% of the time…with their faces. It is a tough life. The “almost in time” part is what’s providing the buffer for the PCs. 

  3. To me ” almost in time” sounds like “just a bit too late”. So yes, he walks into the trap. Crappy job, but that’s how it sounds to me.

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