This is the folder containing compendium classes I have created for my DW game. There may be something in there you like. Feel free to use and abuse as you see fit. Nearly all of these sprung from events in our campaign or from my players’ desires for their character. Critiques are welcome (although some of these are already in play for our group). I will keep tweaks and additions updated in the comments.
The list so far:
Black Gate Barrister
Dweller in Shadows
Sage Warrior
Scion of Heroes
Spider Thrall
That’s a bunch of cool ideas. Especially like the Hatemonger.
Definetly need to check this out tomorrow.
Sub like crazy.
I’m not terribly happy with The Re-Forged. I have a player who spent six sessions with only one arm (the other got chewed off by a ghoul). He has it back now (via a rather complex Ritual), and I wanted to commemorate this with a cool CC for him. I like the theme of Re-Forged, but not the fact the moves are just bonuses. Thoughts?
Jason Cordova The first thing when I saw this description – “Your re-attached arm now courses with magical energy.” – was envisioning some sort of blue color fire being hurled as a volley. Sort of like gaining a ranged natural weapon.
Along, the same lines, you could “charge” ammunition so that they explode or give off additional damage or found objects with power and hurl them like grenades.
Maybe make the magic element or type that reattached the arm an element in is magical property?
Brandon Massengill Those are nice ideas for the Re-Forged. I’ll probably work the magic grenades thing in. Actually, I’m probably going to re-work this one from the ground up before Tuesday (when my player Daniel Lewis wants to add it to his character).
The Spider Thrall is finished!
Jason Cordova glad to see you hard at work on my class! I like Brandon Massengill ‘s idea of using the charges at range, either on their own or through ammo.
Along the same lines, I could see dropping a charge into the ground as a sort of landmine being cool, but probably not a tactic that would be “honorable” enough for a paladin. Can you justify lining an area with landmines “for the greater good”?
Having an option to use it as a form of magic resistance could tie in nicely conceptually, but I don’t know what the best way to realize that mechanically might be.
Also, being able to channel the charge to heal myself might be nice. Just sayin’
Also need immunity to ghoul teeth because if my new arm gets bitten off I’m probably going to cry…
If I lost an arm, and had magical means to get it back, I wouldn’t want just my plain old arm! I’d want one made out of iron or something cool that would then course with magical energy!
Daniel Lewis and Brandon Massengill I have made some pretty drastic changes to Re-Forged. Basically, the theme of the character now revolves around learning about (and mastering) the raw magical energy in the “strange limb.” It’s open-ended, which lets you create some of those cool effects you guys discussed, but bounded by the fact you’re dealing with something fundamentally alien to you.
Craig Hatler as the player of the wizard doing the re-attachment ritual I kept trying to convince him to just let me magically attach the troll arm to him.
They had a troll arm from which to make troll’s blood broth, an element of the Ritual.
Kerry Harrison That would’ve been badass!
This totally reminds me of the half-golem template from the 3.0 Monster Manual 2…
Added the Rose Warden, for steven stewart
Got it to work through the computer – the Rose Warden is awesome. Good job on that – I love the powers, now I just need find some ruined building material,mans some coin for some unskilled heavy labored to get it, and build that shrine. Great job!
I have added Abyss Gazer for Kerry Harrison .
Kerry, you may also want to take a look at Hatemonger, which you can access any time you wish since you have those purple crystals which allow you to create the Flame of Glezzu. Also, Hatemonger fits in nicely with your previously expressed desire to destroy the church of St. Stephen.
I have also made a few edits:
Sage Warrior–increased the efficacy of Riddle of Power
Re-Forged–changed Raw Magic to WIS instead of INT (Daniel Lewis )
Rose Warden–minor edits
Added the Oak Warden.
For those following this thread, Daniel Lewis added his excellent Monkey Friend to this folder.