Players chasing a vampire through an abandoned mine that he and his necromancer boss have made their base of…

Players chasing a vampire through an abandoned mine that he and his necromancer boss have made their base of…

Players chasing a vampire through an abandoned mine that he and his necromancer boss have made their base of operations. Vampire is doing devious things to hassle them along the way. What sorts of things?

6 thoughts on “Players chasing a vampire through an abandoned mine that he and his necromancer boss have made their base of…”

  1. Sending packs of bats and rats, of course.

    Creating disturbing echoes, some of which sound like the voices of loved ones who might have been taken prisoner. 

    Sending zombies forward with the faces of loved ones, who may or may not actually be the loved ones killed and reanimated.

    Running through toxic gases that are no trouble for the undead and masters of fleshcrafting but very troublesome for those who breathe in the usual fashion.

  2. Separating out and hypnotizing a team mate to sabotage their advance.  “Oh no, did I just drop our rations into that dark pool?”  “We can make it down that shaft, sure I’ll tie off the rope up here and you can rappel down…”

  3. Leaping over chasms and running down stairways that are missing the final few steps, which is a famous way to prep your pursuers for your counter attack.  Also, if there’s something the Vampire hates or fears in the dungeon, why not lead them there?

  4. When a vampire embroils you in a teenage love triangle…Roll + Wis On a 10+ you seduce the vampire and he becomes your total nookie slave.  On a 7-9, he will give it all up for you, but undead forces seek to torture you into ending it all.  On a miss, he seduces you and gets you pregnant (regardless of gender) and you give painful birth to a world-destroying demon baby.

    Thought this custom move might help…

  5. He uses his superhuman strength to cause a cave-in.

    He runs into a dead end, but escapes capture by turning into mist, just after he springs a fatal trap.

    He could sing “shine bright like a diamond” when exposed to sunlight.

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