Oh no! I just accidentally sent two of my Scout Books through the wash. Luckily they both still look structurally sound and I don’t think the ink is messed, but it’s hard to tell what with the pages being hard to separate. Any suggestions?
Oh no!
Oh no!
Ritual suicide is on the table, if you think it’ll help matters.
Separate the pages and put a non-ink covered paper towel in between each page…pat them dry first and leave the paper towel in between the pages so they don’t stick together when it dries.
Good luck
That… or the ritual suicide. Whichever.
Oh noes!
After you pat dry I would separate the pages with wax paper or plastic wrap and then press them under a pile books or something heavy
The same happened to me. An open flame just make things worse. Don’t do it.
When you perform ritual suicide to save your book
And it was your fault they were destroyed roll+0
And you could have stopes the person that destroyed them but didn’t roll+1
And it totally wasn’t your fault roll+2
And it was a freak accident of fortune and nature roll+3
On a 10+ choose 2 on a 7-9 choose 1
– the book gets repaired
– someone gets you to the hospital fast enough
That’s a damned hard choice on a 7-9. I have no idea what I’d choose…