Is anyone interested in some Dungeon Planet play by post goodness? My buddy, Misha Polonsky is going to GM on his website. We only have two players so far.
Is anyone interested in some Dungeon Planet play by post goodness?
Is anyone interested in some Dungeon Planet play by post goodness?
I have never participated in a PBP game. How much time will I have to invest in it?
The GM is pretty busy these days, so probably only a few posts a week right now. If/when that changes, 5-7 posts a week would be good.
If people’s posting rates are very different, he might pull a seperate them move, which actually works really well in pbp.
That’s a tad too slow to spark my interest. Sorry
Understandable. For future reference, what would spark your interest?
I don’t know exactly, but if I can only get updates a few times per week, I wouldn’t feel like we’d be getting anywhere.
When he’s not so busy, we usually post once or more a day. Maybe I’ll get back to you.
OK, then it interests me
I just didn’t want to wait two to three days between updates
I’d like to join 
Cool. I tagged him, so now that we know your threshold, I’ll let him get back to you with what he can actually commit to.
Oh sorry, I don’t own Dungeon Planet either. Should I buy it, or is it as straight forward as DW in that only the GM actually needs to own the game?
I suggest you buy it. It’s only $8 and it’s a good buy, imo.
OK… Off to Emptymywalletland!
Yep, so I’ll be able to commit to at least one post every three days. I mean, some weeks are busier than others – Fridays through Sundays are my busiest work days – so on those nights it’s hit or miss. For you guys though, I’ll make sure to get posts in as often as I can.
I’ll be back on much later, but if you’re trying to register on before then, try contacting Richard Robertson – he’s got admin access and can disable the captcha temporarily (it’s set to be ridiculously unrecognizable to keep the spammers out). Otherwise, I’ll be around tomorrow and the day after for sure.
Look forward to having you guys in the game!
HI folks. I’d be interested, but I’m away from home ’till friday and don’t have my copy of Dungeon Planet with me. Are you still recruiting new players ? If so, when are you planning to start character creation ?
Yep, still recruiting players! Character creation is already underway, actually. I can tell you for sure that Technician is already taken, and I’m pretty sure Mutant is as well. I wanted to try and start the game by Tuesday/Wednesday, but that’s probably not happening – so you’ll be good if you can only get something in Friday.
Until we switch hosts, our forum/site is a little hard to register to, unfortunately, unless we “deactivate the shields” so-to-speak. You can add me or Richard Robertson and whenever you’re home and want to register, let one of us know – we’ll turn off the CAPTCHA and you’ll be able to register.
If it’s okay with everyone, I’d go with a wizard
That’s totally fine. If you’re online right now. I can turn off the CAPTCHA to let you register.
I am now
I just skimmed through the book. White Ape Wizard it is 
Please disable the CAPTCHA… It’s like… I have a feeling being high on LSD feels more real.
Yep, give me a moment.
Still on?
Am now. Had to relocate.
Kk, I’ll go ahead and disable the shields heh.
OK, you’re good to go. No more LSD trip.
Let me know what username you register with.
My username is Undreren
Awesome. Good to have to on board.
Cool, so we’ve got 3 PCs so far: an Android Technician, a White Ape Wizard, and most likely a Human Mutant. Philip Espi I can wait until you get back on Friday so you can join in. In the meantime, you can think about what sort of character you want to play. Neil Sorenson Are you still interested in playing?
This party would benefit from a Mighty Engine of Destruction. Fortunately, one unit is still available and it’s a TANK !!!
I’ll try to bypass the cunning CAPTCHA and register on the forum ASAP.
Yep, give me a minute and I’ll disable the shields. Let me know what your username is too. Thanks.
Well, I failed to discern the realities of your CAPTCHA and will have to wait ’till it gets disabled. My username is gonna be “xipehuz”
You should be able to read it now. Try again.
Apologies for the difficult registration process. I took over for an old admin and … well… there’s a lot of technical stuff here that’s screwy. I’m in the process of getting it all fixed.
Thanx. Done !
No problem. Good to have you on board!
Great. I’ll catch-up on the forum readings tomorrow (as it is past midnight here, in France, and I shall go to bed soon) and post my character sheet. Glad to be on board.
Welcome aboard!
I’d be interested to join as well, if you’d like to have me. The Earthling has always appealled …
Sure, there’s still room in this game for another player. I’ll make it so you can register more easily.
Just let me know what username you choose.
Thanks Misha, I’ve registered as Sanglorian
Cool. Welcome to the boards! You should be able to see the forums and posts now.
Alright, well we’ve got a great cast so far and we’re about to start the first session real soon!
Neil Sorenson — Are you still interested in joining the game before it starts?
How will a “session” in a play-by-post game work?
Each session is basically a chapter.
I don’t quite follow?
In the forums, you know how the game’s divided into three sections? Game Information, OOC, and Story? Gameplay will take place in the Story section. Each “session” is just a thread – a chapter basically. It’s not the same sort of session that applies to a game in real time. PbP games move much slower, unfortunately. So stuff happens, there are various encounters, and when we’ve reached the end of a dungeon or completed goal Y or whatever – that’s when the “session” ends (again, meaning the chapter / thread) and a new thread begins.
Sometimes it can just “feel” like the end of a chapter thread — this was often the case in the Apocalypse World game on the site.
Does that make more sense?
Oh, fair enough. I just didn’t know how it worked
Yeah, PbP is gaming, but it’s the group writing alternative. I see threads as chapters more so than game sessions. There definitely are pros and cons to PbP gaming… but that’s a whole different conversation!
So sorry I’m hoping in so late! Can I get in on this?
Hell yeah Matt! I can’t help you get registered on the site right now since I’m at work, but I’ll catch you on later and help you get on. The game is still midway into First Session but early enough that I can totally add one more player in no problem.