“Dungeon World is like D&D the way an 8-year-old imagines it to work”

“Dungeon World is like D&D the way an 8-year-old imagines it to work”

“Dungeon World is like D&D the way an 8-year-old imagines it to work”

Anyone with Actual Play, a blog, a podcast to flog – hit up this thread over at rpg.net



6 thoughts on ““Dungeon World is like D&D the way an 8-year-old imagines it to work””

  1. I totally thought that quote was meant to be a slam against Dungeon World, then I followed the link and was pleasantly surprised. Still seems like awkward praise to me, though.

  2. What a compliment! I know of another Pathfinder group and they actually email “Loot Summaries” after each session. Where is the high adventure and wild encounters? Oh, it’s in DW.

  3. Dude, in my Pathfinder group we keep a spreadsheet going in Google docs and graph our acquisition of lewtz over time— then plot it against player deaths!

    In my DW game, 1st-level players are stealing the lizardman mummies’ cursed obsidian blades, threatening vampire kings and robbing the shadows of talking horses. Get the best of both worlds, I say.

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