So, for now I will release only 1 part of the cc I am working on, this is from the karmic shaper

So, for now I will release only 1 part of the cc I am working on, this is from the karmic shaper

So, for now I will release only 1 part of the cc I am working on, this is from the karmic shaper

Make your own luck

You are attuned to the strands of fate and how to twist them but beware, what fortuna giveth, she also taketh away.

When you invoke your luck on a move and roll a 6- you can turn it into a 10+ but when you do, the GM holds 1 misfortune. He can spend misfortune 1 for 1 to turn a 10+ into a 6- on one of your moves.

You can’t Make your own luck, as long as the GM holds misfortune.

Does this work? Could it be cleaned up?

10 thoughts on “So, for now I will release only 1 part of the cc I am working on, this is from the karmic shaper”

  1. But putting someone in a spot is not really making them fail. It’s just an excuse to make a harder move then usual. You are absolutely right about making people fail. 

  2. How about this:

    Chosse a thing that brings you bad luck (redheads, broken glass, a specific number). You’de better avoid those things until you’re on good terms with Lady Fortuna again.

  3. I actually really like the “Can spend misfortune to put you in a spot,” but I think Vasily is on to something there. I like the idea of a phrase like “Avoid omens of misfortune until you even the scales with Lady Fortuna”. It makes me smile in that naughty DM place.

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