Outline for That Ancient Serpent. Pretty excited to start making it happen, though still buried in other stuff for now.
Outline for That Ancient Serpent.
Outline for That Ancient Serpent. Pretty excited to start making it happen, though still buried in other stuff for now.
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“We pay…in snakes.”
Also: ask me questions about this! It’ll force me to write smarter things.
What is the etc. that needs to be recovered from the dragon? I’m interested to see what things counts as neither personnel, nor asset.
Hmm, interesting question. Portions of buildings (i.e chunks of architecture)? Very small planes (i.e. Bottled City of Kandor)? Important memories?
did this dragon, by its own volition, steal away with buildings and microplanes and memories? Or is it a byproduct of its activities?
The degree to which victims of the advanced form of the draconic plague can be considered to have full volition and control of their own behavior is controversial. Maybe it was acting on some half-recollection of its previous existence, but many people think dragons are just like that: a cross between crows and tyrannosaurs, collecting shiny objects and other things that catch their attention, while murdering everything around them.
Vomiting lore:
1) A draconic plague. So that means that dragonslaying gear necessarily entails some sort of hazmat suit or sterilization talismans?
2) How does the plague spread? Is it a form of blood borne pathogen?
3) So what is the agenda of the dragon ritual mages? Do they act as the vector for the draconic plague as part of their ritual?
4) If the dragons carry a horrifying disease, then shouldn’t the consumer of dragon parts demand their purification? Or are THEY the ones who want to act as vector of the plague?
5) Is all of this “plague” mumbo jumbo a pretense for mutants to play massive hijinks in Dis, dislocating the environment, stealing anything that’s not bolted down, etc. etc?
Yeah, what opportunist benefits from the dragon and the plague?
Things that are neither personal nor asset: colors, the weather.
How can you embed Heritages deeper in Dis? Can the dragon steal them? Does the plague neutralize them? Perhaps the dragon is a force of sameness and conformity, it steals novel things.
One chapter is likely called “Prophets and Profiteers.” The first thing the plague does is gradually change your heritage moves. After a while, triggering those moves stops being voluntary, I think.