Question from someone: What stops a Wizard from just blasing trolls with 5 fireballs and 3 magic missiles?

Question from someone: What stops a Wizard from just blasing trolls with 5 fireballs and 3 magic missiles?

Question from someone: What stops a Wizard from just blasing trolls with 5 fireballs and 3 magic missiles?


1. The Trolls

2. Time

3. Screentime 

The same things as in any story or movie. 

4. The Rules. You won’T 10+ every of those moves

14 thoughts on “Question from someone: What stops a Wizard from just blasing trolls with 5 fireballs and 3 magic missiles?”

  1. Well, no one said “What stops a Wizard from blasting all the trolls to death before anyone else gets a chance to interact with the trolls?”

    That’s a much more complicated question than just “What stops a Wizard from blasting trolls?”

  2. What stops the Wizard from saying I blast the trolls with 5 fireballs and 3 magic missiles at once? The fact that everyone’s going to look at the GM to find out what happens next and the GM is going to make a move.

  3. When you try to channel magical power beyond your control, Defy Danger with CON. On a 7-9, the GM can also choose to Deal Damage.

  4. On a 6 or less, the magic is totally out of control…  Choose one…

    *Permanently warping magic in this place and causing a -1 ongoing to any spellcasting attempts in this area

    *Injuring everyone in the area


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