So far, I’m really liking Dungeon World… but I first checked DW out due to confusing it with 13th Age. The latter got some really glowing reviews on ENWorld, I’m easily confused, and somehow, here I am! Has anyone tried both systems, and have any opinions on their relative strengths and weaknesses? I think I’ll end up trying 13A at some point, but might not need to if DW generally has everything covered in the post-D&D lightweight category.
So far, I’m really liking Dungeon World.
So far, I’m really liking Dungeon World.
13A has some great ideas and DW has some great ideas, I’d rather try them both.
I’m like that too, loving both systems
Cool! What’s your favorite thing about each one? I know my favorite thing about DW is that the DM doesn’t have to roll anything, he just creates problems!
In DW I like the Storyteller approach and as a fan of D&D 4e, I like Heinsoo’s ideas and the rule lightness of 13th age. Actually I was supporting 13th age and in drivethroughrpg I stumbled over DW.
I liked the reviews so I thought I’ll try it out.
Now I’m in a kind of dilemma because my players don’t like changing systems all the time
I’m afraid they will like DW so much that we won’t play 13th age anymore
Actually, I rather like the idea of having bonds to the Icons in 13th Age. Could be a great way to run a “pre-built with lots of blanks” world setting. Couple that with a session of Microscope… hmm…
I’ve played lots of DW and only once with 13A. I loved the “maneuvers” in 13A. I played a fighter, and every die roll would trigger 2 to 5 maneuvers (including misses) that would effect the flow of battle. The Escalation Die meant that no battle lasted more than six rounds during the game I playes.
13A is what 5th Edition should be, a wonderful blend of 4th and 3rd edtions with some awesome new rules on top. DW looks a lot like DnD on the surface, but is mechanically a big departure from the rules as written for DnD (“fiction first”).