Just ran my first session for Julia Weatherseed and her brother James!

Just ran my first session for Julia Weatherseed and her brother James!

Just ran my first session for Julia Weatherseed and her brother James!

We have Ursula, a female elf wizard and Aranwe, a male elf ranger (hawk companion Raul). Ursula was mentored by a “dwarf” arcanist who’s hiding a secret from her, a fellow named Kendrix who’s raising a recently-hatched dragon.

Ursula comes from the city of Debluff, bordering on the vast Erendoor forest to the south. The forest butts up against the Fangtooth Mountains to the northeast, where the two dwarf kings Fargrim and Harbek rule from stronghold Balarn.

Aranwe’s parents were killed by duergar, dark dwarves twisted and corrupted an age ago by a demon called Yllaz when they uncovered him by delving deep underground.

Ursula saw a vision of Aranwe as she was casting a spell, and felt that he would play an important role in events to come; she went into the forest to collect some magical reagents, and was in the wrong place as an ogre came rampaging through the area; she blasted it some with magic missiles, and Aranwe shot it from hiding with an arrow, killing it. Stuck in its back was a duergar blade with strange dwarven script carved into it. After consulting with Kendrix, they took a perilous journey through the forest–which involved lots of rations and a tangle with some assassin vines–and were allowed into stronghold Balarn. They met a troubadour named Chargufs (KAR-guss) who took them to the two kings to share their disturbing news.

There was just enough XP for both of them to level!

Also, Aranwe wanted to make some improvised ammo from natural materials, so we sketched out the beginnings of a Resourcefulness move; he also wanted to do the same for rations, so we started on a Forage move as well.