More in the ongoing story of my increasingly bizzare game.

More in the ongoing story of my increasingly bizzare game.

More in the ongoing story of my increasingly bizzare game.

I also forgot to mention, as a wedding gift, the forest spirits blessed the surrounding farmland to be a bountiful and fertile paradise as long as Hycorax’s children tend it for the next nine generations.

Since, apparently, his children will be half elf/half dryad (Fortunately the Planarch Codex has us covered there!) those generations will probably be loooong.

Originally shared by Dylan Boates

Has anyone out there been wondering how my Dungeon World game is going?

After our heroes broke the Worm God’s power in Darujhistan, some of the Worm Cult began worshiping Hycorax the druid instead. He took the Guildmaster compendium class, which we’ve trivially reskinned to “Cult Leader”.

They returned to Devil’s Reach and found that it was full of Worm Zombies, since they never really dealt with the necromancer before they left.

So they killed some zombies, but it turns out the villagers were relying on them to protect the village from bandits and provide extra labour in the mine and fields. The villagers were unwilling to give up the zombies!

Today, our heroes tried to find a better solution, and ended up financing the resettlement of a bunch of the refugees from Darujhistan in Devil’s Reach.

While they were at it, Hycorax used his earth manipulation powers to build a temple/farm to himself. (Took the Guildhall move.)

The power was out of his control though, and it attracted the dryads from the nearby forest.

They had dealt with the dryads before and knew that their passionate and emotional nature could make them dangerous to mortals, so Hycorax tried to negotiate a way that they could live in harmony with his new church and the people of Devil’s Reach.

Got a 7 on his parley, so the dryads want some concrete assurance right now.

The dryads demand that Hycorax marries their queen, and that his two new acolytes marry dryads as well.

We broke out the Wedding Compendium! (I believe the other day Ben Wray asked if anyone had used it?)

Gretta made a new friend, Alastor the wizard/alchemist, who makes a drink powerful enough to get even an undead Dwarf like her drunk!

Jonah got a 6 on his roll to attend the wedding and “things got way out of hand”. He got terribly drunk and apparently spent the night with a dryad. He’s engaged now…

The necromancer also attended the wedding and said some cryptic things. She told Hycorax that her god, who Hycorax is sworn to destroy, is just misunderstood and offered to leave town peacefully as a wedding present!

So yeah. This week we had basically 0 adventure. Instead we founded a new community, built a church and then had a wedding…

Unusual, but fun as hell!