Originally shared by Stacey Chancellor
http://thefatearchives.blogspot.com/2013/02/so-i-ran-one-shot-of-dungeon-world-last.htmlSo, I ran a one-shot of Dungeon World last night
So, I ran a one-shot of Dungeon World last night
So, I ran a one-shot of Dungeon World last night
Originally shared by Stacey Chancellor
http://thefatearchives.blogspot.com/2013/02/so-i-ran-one-shot-of-dungeon-world-last.htmlComments are closed.
Keep on running this. Many games are sub-par with only two players; for DW I think 5 is optimal.
Thanks for the blog, it was a good read. I’d love to try it out if you try running it again and I’m available. Reading it, it definitely feels like an adjustment
Actually, in my experience, DW often works better with fewer players. I’m not sure I’d be super enthusiastic about running it for more than 4. Definitely not more than 5.
Jim Crocker ran a masterful 6 player game of Dungeon World at GenCon, but I would definitely steer towards 3 to 4 players.
I cannot run any game over 4 people well. I am a bit ADD and the game tends to suffer.
I didn’t hit my stride running the game until about the third session. I think I remember reading in the book that it will take you a few times running to get the hang of GMing (though players take to it much faster).
Some of the best advice that I adopted after my first session was to focus on three of the GM Moves:
+ Put someone in a spot
+ Show signs of an approaching threat
+ Deal Damage
Those 3 moves are still my main ones I use, though I’ve gotten much more comfortable with:
+ Use up their resources
+ Offer an opportunity, with or without cost
+ Tell them the requirements or consequences and ask.
Hey Stacey Chancellor have you seen http://www.dungeon-world.com/dungeon-world-guide/ ? It’s a fan-written guide to getting “the flow” of DW, that you talk about in your article. I found the advice within invaluable.
Actually I’ve forgotten quite a bit of it since running other games. I think I’ll have to read it again before my next DW session.
Dan Hall Yeah, I have it on my computer. It has been very helpful.
I just got done running a Dungeon World game for 5 players (4 teenagers and one adult). It was interesting, but most certainly a more taxing game than if it had been 3 players.