Man, it’s tough watching Dungeon World arrive all over the world while my mailbox in Minnesota sits forelorn and empty day after day.
Man, it’s tough watching Dungeon World arrive all over the world while my mailbox in Minnesota sits forelorn and…
Man, it’s tough watching Dungeon World arrive all over the world while my mailbox in Minnesota sits forelorn and…
I’m in the same boat here in Canada. Seeing people in Australia posting pics is killing me.
Yeah. As I’ve said in many of these posts, Canada Post is driving me crazy.
I could probably throw a rock and hit Sage from here, but for some reason my book is taking forever. (The reason is that Canada Post sucks.)
You guys have no idea just how amazingly wonderful it is to hear these kind of complaints from Americans. It warms my heart.
I am not an American…
I was referring to the OP Dylan, apologies
That’s cool. I just wanted to be clear here.
Judging from the vehemence of the response, I’m going to guess… Canadian?
You got it!
Dylan Boates that’s the irritating thing. Canada post sucks so much.
Even Canada-to-Canada shipments take forever.
The worst part is that you Canadians had Adam Koebel as an inside man and he totally failed you.
Steve Segedy I have no cachet among that dark organization.
Indeed Adam. You have let ALL OF CANADA down. Just wait until the Queen finds out!
She’ll understand, it was all an under-table deal to make sure that Aussies got theirs first. Go commonwealth!
If its not there tomorrow, let us know and we’ll figure it out.
I’m just being a whiner — I figure it was luck of the draw and if mine went out in your last shipment, media mail, it really shouldn’t be here yet. But that doesn’t mean it’s not twitch-inducing to see it popping up in Australia and Ireland and Zimbabwe or wherever the hell.
Actually, it looks like it arrived today when I was out. My landlord just gave me a Delivery Notice saying I can pick it up at the post office tomorrow!
I’ve put my copy back in its shipping box in solidarity.
Dylan Boates OH YEAH! I was worried it had gotten lost.
Well, it still COULD have gotten lost! I was super dissapointed to learn that the package that arrived yesterday was a book I ordered from Amazon and NOT Dungeon World, so I don’t want to get my hopes up too much!
Well found a soggy package out in the rain on my front porch when I got home from work. Haven’t had a chance to confirm that it’s DW as I had dinner plans.
Is terrible too with shipping, or do they have some kind of inside deal? is awesome. I’ve never had any problem with them at all. I’ve actually ordered an item at night only to have it show up on my porch the next day.
Amazon rocks. I think they use a courier though, not Canada Post.
Even if you’re in, like, White Horse?
Amazon has a blood pact with FedEx.
Australia gets Commonwealth favouritism over Canada? We’re not the ones who keep trying to ditch the Queen.
Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel — you said if it’s not here today, to let you know and you’d figure it out. It’s not. But I got the idea that the stuff shipped from Sage’s US location and isn’t research going to be hard from another continent?
Christopher Weeks can you mail us at and remind us of a) your address and b) the backer-type-stuff you are expecting?
Colin Roald the squeaky wheel gets the royal grease, I guess.