I have approached my mailbox every day this week with anticipation, but no dice. I hope my books haven’t been lost in the mail
I have approached my mailbox every day this week with anticipation, but no dice.
I have approached my mailbox every day this week with anticipation, but no dice.
I understand you. I’m on the same boat.
Sage did say they were waiting on more packaging stuff to send the last of them out.
The time for panic is not here, yet. We will let you know when you can panic.
Adam, I wish I had someone in my everyday life who would tell me when it was safe to panic. It would make everything a lot easier!
I’m still waiting for mine as well. ♫ Some day, my book will come ♫
I’m (im)patiently waiting for mine as well. All these posts are just killing me! How can stuff get to Britain and New Zealand before Canada?!
Hey, at least you guys are on the other side of the Atlantic. I’m in the Caribbean and technically part of the USA. :p