When Wizards started selling old D&D pdfs, I grabbed a bunch thinking I’d try to convert some into fronts for…

When Wizards started selling old D&D pdfs, I grabbed a bunch thinking I’d try to convert some into fronts for…

Originally shared by Dylan Boates

When Wizards started selling old D&D pdfs, I grabbed a bunch thinking I’d try to convert some into fronts for Dungeon World. Since Dark Heart of the Dreamer is now widely available (and because it’s KICK ASS) I thought I’d start with Tales from the Infinite Staircase.

Of course, if you’ve seen me get involved in a game design project before, you’ll know I’m lazy, unfocused, and prone to getting bored and moving on to another project.

In order to keep that from happening, I thought I’d try to post bits of work as I go along, so hopefully people will like it and help keep me on my toes, or at least if I get bored and wander off maybe the bit of work I do complete will be useful to someone.

Anyway, with that explanation out of the way, I started by writing up stats for the cool monsters I’ve come across while reading through the adventure.