My second #dungeonworld adventure front is up on RPGNow. This one is an homage to the classic TSR module I3 – Pharaoh. I’m asking $.50 once again and 100% proceeds go towards convincing me to keep producing more.
If you would prefer to pay nothing, it can also be downloaded from a link on RPGG.
Next up is UK1 – Beyond the Crystal Cave which should come out in February.
Fantastic. UK1 was one of TSRs best.
I loved the fact that an aggressive party could fight themselves to death, whilst a more respectful party could wonder through smiling at the flowers and have a much easier time.
That’s one of the reasons I really like it as the basis for a DW adventure. The front is about 1/2 done now but I still need to do the heavy lifting on it. That has to wait until I have a couple days off in February though.
I will just grab both, the free one sold me into it.
These are great! Thanks, MJ!
Really enjoyed reading The Pharaoh’s Curse, grabbed both on rpgnow.
Just bought!
Thanks for the support! More are coming – I have a “to do” list of about 10 right now that I really want to make; the trick is finding time to make them all.
We are all patient people. wink wink.
I’ll add it to our list of stuff to work on. I’ve been buried in real life work lately so I haven’t gotten much work done on the ones that followed this adventure (but there have been quite a few published since I released I3).