Hey folks,
Two things: the first is just a reminder that there’s now one more week for your submissions to come in for the DW zine I’m working on. If you can’t make the deadline but you’re keen to contribute, get in touch with me and I’ll see if we can work something out.
The other thing is: do you have any suggestions for the name of the zine? So far I’ve thought up:
World Magazine (riffing on Dungeon Magazine and Dragon Magazine, but pretty vague!)
The Front (my current favourite)
Dungeon World Zine (straight and to the point)
Well… you know, both of the first two name suggestions could also apply to Apocalypse World and (some) other games based on it, so unless you expand to talk about those as well, I’d go with something else…
What Brian said.
I like The Front but perhaps you can consider Grim Portents, too?
Grim Portents works best, I feel. The Front is neat but too vague.
The Front sounds cool, but it sounds like an anarchist zine. I’d go with Grim Portents.
Nowt wrong with sounding like an anarchist zine!
Grim Portents!
Just thought you’d like to know the numerous suggestions that have come in from the various DW communities:
The Front/The Campaign Front/The Dungeon Front
Grim Portents
Notes from Underground/Notes for Underground
Dungeon World Zine/Dungeon World’s Zine
World Magazine
Discerning Realities
Slanting Passages
Riches & Wonders
Delve On
World of Dungeon World
World of Zines
World of ‘World of’
Codex of Dungeons
Dungeon Moves
Powered by the Dungeon
Many Places to Explore
Advanced Delving
Thanks for the creative responses, folks. I’m leaning towards The Dungeon Front or Grim Portents at this stage, although Powered by the Dungeon might be a dark horse!
Grim Portents!
Grim Portents!
Ha, I still like my suggestion best…..
Grim Portents (because it’s Dungeon World related bud doesn’t sound so fishy and it takes your idea of the Fronts into account).
Grim Portents is best.