I’ve been refining parts of this presentation for the better part of a year.

I’ve been refining parts of this presentation for the better part of a year.

I’ve been refining parts of this presentation for the better part of a year. Dungeon World had a big impact on my thoughts around how deep you can go with player agency, and how that can lead to strong emotional context for player actions.

Originally shared by Stefan Grambart

If you live in #Toronto , I’m giving a presentation this Wednesday at CreateInTO. The subject is “Emergent Narrative, or What We Can Learn From Playing Dungeons & Dragons”

I’m going to cover some of my thoughts on how we can develop storytelling techniques for games, and VR.

If I am honest, the #dnd  title is more of a placeholder for #DungeonWorld  and RPGs in general, since the former will resonate more with the general public.

If you’re interested in coming, here’s the Meetup link: http://www.meetup.com/CreateInTO/events/219859637/
