So I made a post last week I think about running DW for some players, and how much they enjoyed it.
I ran into one of those guys last night during a Fate game, and at one point asked him about the game and he said he really enjoyed the flow of it. At this point the conversation went something like:
Me: “Yeah. Crazy that it could be that much fun when it boiled down to a dozen kobolds in a cave.”
Him: “What? Wait…. I never realized that! It really was just a dozen kobolds in a cave! But it went so well because there was more happening… them retreating, coming at us from multiple corridors…”
And of course all of what happened is true, and was mostly a result of GM moves (“announce impending danger” being the biggie).
So, yeah. Congrats on an awesome game that can make a bunch of 30 year old gaming vets a) have fun with a bunch of kobolds in a cave, and b) not even realize that it really was just a dozen kobolds in a cave.