A dungeon map I’ve done yesterday for my first DW game.

A dungeon map I’ve done yesterday for my first DW game.

A dungeon map I’ve done yesterday for my first DW game. We had just two hours to play, so they passed the demonic fire breathing statue at the entrance (ВХОД), did some exploring and then the fighter fell to a hidden pit with lizardmen skeletons (sepate them). 

During the fight our bard had a chance to look behind the Black Gate (1st session), but got back even without any bargain.

Overall it was so much fun.

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone.

Sometime ago Aleksandr Ermakov gave me a link to this discussion (http://story-games.com/forums/discussion/comment/400873#Comment_400873) and mini-hack mentioned there. I was impressed and even had a post (http://mycampaigns.blogspot.ru/2012/12/blog-post_6356.html) in my blog about it (it’s in Russian). It is very short hack (more a custom move probably) so here:

When you resist harm, the MC will tell you what injury threatens your life. Roll+number of hit points you’d like to spend. One a hit, choose options. On a 13+, all of them. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1.

* You can ignore this injury for now, it doesn’t hamper you

* You got lucky: the injury’s not as big a deal as it seemed

* You maintain your position or advantage, and can react immediately (maybe even take +1forward)

On a miss, you suffer the injury in full, right now.

I liked it very much and thought about using it in my upcoming DW campaign. Then vsh (its reader handle) mentioned that this hack has a problem – it doesn’t account for armor. Any thoughts about how it can be fixed?
