A new review about The Histories, Volume I: L’Empereur’s Salon!

A new review about The Histories, Volume I: L’Empereur’s Salon!

A new review about The Histories, Volume I: L’Empereur’s Salon!


“This supplement is very well written. It’s put together well, and the diction of the overall piece is worded in a way that conveys the setting and is still readable. The Swashbuckler class is put together in a way that seems sturdy and balanced (though I have not undergone extensive gameplay as or with one, so I’m not the best judge of balance in this situation.) Weapons are sparse, with only a few specifically outlined within the supplement. That makes sense, as a large part of this supplement is written with social interaction in mind, rather than out and out gung-ho combat. The magical items fit well within the setting, some of them even parodying mannerisms of the time in a creative way while still being more useful than their mundane counterparts. “

But don’t take their word for it! Review it yourself! Contact me firehaven.west@gmail.com for a review copy.


Owen Kerr

Four Horsemen Publishing
