A thought about procedures in FotF:
I was recently reading stuff about describing the procedure a GM goes through to run dungeon exploration, and wondering which games best describe this procedure. For instance, things like this: https://necrotic-gnome-productions.blogspot.com/2018/11/bx-essentials-adventuring-mode-control.html?m=1
I’ve been wondering if having such a procedure for FotF could make play smoother by giving the GM a structure to lean on, or if that’s contrary to the game’s design principle. A literal checklist of things to go through. Something like:
– When a player describes looking at a specific place, tell them what they see.
– If they want to look closer, have them roll Perceive.
– If they want to search an entire room, tell them how long it will take. If they spend the time, they find everything that can be found. Then, reduce the duration of spell, use up fuel for torches and rations, tie knots and possibly introduce a Danger.
And similarly for other situations. Your thoughts?