So I have an opinion question to ask you guys.
I tend to not do a lot of preparation for the campaigns that I’m running. What I mean is that I have a general overall direction, but what happens in between is really all up to the adventurers. I’ve adopted this strategy for a few reasons. One of them is that it means the world is created by the players and feels like it belongs to them. The other is that I really don’t have the time to prepare a lot of materials.
I’m pretty good with improv and this tends to make the conversation and game flow pretty smoothly. My issue is that I end up feeling a little lazy as most of the campaign is theatre of the mind. I have very few premade materials besides our campaign map that shows the entirety of the continent. There are no geographical features on it and we’re drawing those as we go.
Does this feel like an effective way to run a game? Do you guys feel that theatre of the mind is the best way to play DW or are prepared materials better in your eyes?