Tower of Zenopus and Dungeon World Conversion

Tower of Zenopus and Dungeon World Conversion

Tower of Zenopus and Dungeon World Conversion

The Fallen Tower:

The DW Conversion:

Dragon Cursed

Dragon Cursed

Dragon Cursed

When you are cursed by a magical dragon crystal and you embrace your fate, the next time you level up you may choose this move:

Dragon Cursed

You bear the taint of your dragon curse. You will take a -1 to Cha rolls with the superstitious that notice your curse. You have some small dragon features (dragon eyes, a forked tongue, a small tale, small useless wings as determined by you and the GM.

You speak the languages the dragons. Any dragon will understand what you say, and you can understand them. Dragons will not attack you or your party unless you attack them. At the GM’s discretion dragons and related beings will seek you out, giving you what aid and advice they can.

After death your body will transform into a dragon within 48 hours unless it is burned or ritually purified. This dragon will have only a dim memory of your existence, and your soul will be consumed by your new nature making resurrection of any sort impossible. 

If you are dragon cursed, these count as class moves for you; you can choose from them when you level up:

Dragon Eyes

You are completely at home in complete darkness and can see underground even at a distance. You take a +1 on your volley rolls while firing at enemies from complete darkness. 

Dragon Regeneration

When you make a move in combat you may choose once to also heal 5 HP as your flesh knits itself closed. You can heal up to 5 hp per 2 levels, recharging this ability when you make camp. If you’re dying, you automatically make this move if able.

Dragon Scholarship

When you display your superior knowledge of a dragon related subject when spouting lore, you may adjust the detail the GM gives you in some way. You may not contradict it.

Fiery Breath

You may breathe fire as per the wizard spell Fireball once per game session.

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