

Ug. All members of my group of Freebooters were slain tonight while making their way through The Perilous Wilds of Quarun. In our setting, seven terrors have been released into the world after the invading hordes of Ha’ak desecrated the temple of Ashala and broke the sacred seal which had for centuries bound the seven within. In our previous session, the first terror was reverted to ash through the brave sacrifices of the priests of Hatenaten, This week, the second terror proved overwhelming after a series of devastatingly bad dice rolls. One comedic moment will remain in memory: a night’s “danger” in camp turned out to be a “chicken/duck/goose”. Ha! It was eaten for breakfast with wild garlic and a sauce seasoned with the oil of spring writhe-weeds. In better news, the newly randomly generated group of freebooters FINALLY includes at least one fighter… Three in fact!

Anyone else notice the logo change from Newcomen to Headbanger?

Anyone else notice the logo change from Newcomen to Headbanger?

Anyone else notice the logo change from Newcomen to Headbanger?

Draw maps… leave blanks! Part of the randomly generated map for my “Tales of Quar” group.

Draw maps… leave blanks! Part of the randomly generated map for my “Tales of Quar” group.

Draw maps… leave blanks! Part of the randomly generated map for my “Tales of Quar” group.

I continued to tweak the Freebooters CLERIC this weekend by making the TEST OF FAITH table a 2d6 roll, where the…

I continued to tweak the Freebooters CLERIC this weekend by making the TEST OF FAITH table a 2d6 roll, where the…

I continued to tweak the Freebooters CLERIC this weekend by making the TEST OF FAITH table a 2d6 roll, where the extremely bad and good results are segregated at the ends. This was prompted by the fact that without such a tweak, there was a 2% chance that a player cleric might be stripped of all cleric powers on every attempt to bless/curse!

== TEST OF FAITH =======

2 You have fallen from grace. Lose all Cleric moves until you prove yourself. Ask the Judge what that means.

3 You are marked by the test: permanently burn 1 ability point of the Judge’s choice.

4 Your deity singles out one of the unfaithful (ask the Judge who).

Take -1 ongoing until you convert or perform last rites over that individual.

5 You are unworthy: burn 1d4 Wisdom/Charisma.

6 Until you convert a new follower, you may hold no more than 1 favor.

7 Reduce favor to 0, and take -1 ongoing to Pray until you make a Sacrifice.

8 You are unable to heal HP or ability points until you make a Sacrifice.

9 You take -1 ongoing to Pray until you satisfy your Tenet.

10 You suffer a minor temporary affliction related to your deity’s domain.

11 You must atone right now, in a way that draws unwanted attention.

12 Your deity is merciful–treat the result of the move that triggered this roll as a 7-9.