Need some advice – I’d like to introduce an Omens move – but Omens are like a coin, they have two sides. Some see it as positive, while others as negative. I want to introduce the Omens idea and the write a move that allows the PCs to interpret an event or item or NPC as part of the campaign’s overall Omen. I have no idea what the omen is outside of Good is winning or Evil is winning – I want the PCs to help define it – but how does that translate into a Move? Maybe 10+ and the interpretation is true and grants a bonus? 7-9 points in the “right” direction? Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks!
Need some advice – I’d like to introduce an Omens move – but Omens are like a coin, they have two sides.
Need some advice – I’d like to introduce an Omens move – but Omens are like a coin, they have two sides.