Anyone running a game this Sunday morning EST (GMT -5)?
Anyone running a game this Sunday morning EST (GMT -5)?
Anyone running a game this Sunday morning EST (GMT -5)?
Anyone running a game this Sunday morning EST (GMT -5)?
Anyone running a game this Sunday morning EST (GMT -5)?
Anyone running DW tonight? 7:30ish EST?
Originally shared by Damian “LFGM” Jankowski
Anyone running DW tonight? 7:30ish EST?
Anyone for a one-shot today? Starting sometime in the next 2 hours?
Anyone for a one-shot today? Starting sometime in the next 2 hours?
You find yourself with an adventure just around the corner but you can’t think of an interesting character to play!
You find yourself with an adventure just around the corner but you can’t think of an interesting character to play! What do you do?
Originally shared by Damian “LFGM” Jankowski
Searching for a few brave souls to embark on a playtest of EPIC proportions!
Searching for a few brave souls to embark on a playtest of EPIC proportions! I am looking for 3-4 players to play a one-shot tonight, two of which will be utilizing my new Master Artist playbook in its current beta form. I will be GMing the game starting at 6:30pm EST (GMT -5).
The Master Artist
Hoping to get some last minute thoughts from the tavern on this playbook that has been my absolute favorite to…
Hoping to get some last minute thoughts from the tavern on this playbook that has been my absolute favorite to create.
The Master Artist.
An entire appendix is created that describes what each Tag does, which will be released with the final copy. If you have any ideas for other tags you might like to see included, please advise! Playtest coming soon!
The wait is over, or perhaps you already knew that?
The wait is over, or perhaps you already knew that? Be a know-it-all with The Prophet playbook, which is now available at RPG Drive Thru! Complete with the truly amazing art of Misha Polonsky [whom you should commission without hesitation!].
Let me tell you, Misha Polonsky worked on this piece for at least, like, three weeks, showing me about 10 or more thumbnails to get my input as the work evolved in detail – a lot more effort than I expected… and the results are seen in his fantastic work.
This playbook is available at the following link:–The-Prophet
Hey all, I am looking for interesting ways to put my players to the test!
Hey all, I am looking for interesting ways to put my players to the test! I have seen the 12HP dragon article and it was a great read. What situations, or obstacles that are not purely Hackity-Slashity, have you used in your games that came out being epic fight scenes?
Would like to run a one-shot around 7:30 EST [GMT -5] this Friday.
Would like to run a one-shot around 7:30 EST [GMT -5] this Friday. I will be taking four players on this relentless journey. Details to be revealed.
When you have a party that needs a bit of.
When you have a party that needs a bit of… social reorganization, what techniques have you guys used to help bring a party back together as a team?