This is an item I made to our Warcraft game. It has some steampunk flavour. Tell me what you guys think about it.

This is an item I made to our Warcraft game. It has some steampunk flavour. Tell me what you guys think about it.

This is an item I made to our Warcraft game. It has some steampunk flavour. Tell me what you guys think about it.


Clumsy. 2 weight.

This apparel, created by the famous Nicko Tesly, a gnome scientist, looks like a mechanic glove and mostly comes in pairs. They are used in the mighy Gnomereggan city to fix gadgets and other mechanical stuffs in the city tunnels.

When you try activate it with your engineering knowledge, roll +INT:

• 10+: 3 holds.

• 7-9: 2 holds and some kind of electromagnetic drawback.

• 6-: 1 hold, an electromagnetic drawback and you zap yourself. Roll 1d6 and take a stat Condition while the apparel recharges with your energy.

Spend the hold anytime on an electric or magnetic effect at your choice. Be creative!

Hello everyone, i need some ideas to create magic items to our next game session.

Hello everyone, i need some ideas to create magic items to our next game session.

Hello everyone, i need some ideas to create magic items to our next game session.

The group consists of a dancing Bard, a boaster/mouthy Fighter, a secretive Mage, a ferocious Druid and an insane Thief.

Currently they began exploring an abandoned keep searching for a treacherous necromancer and allied themselves (with some suspicion) with a headless knight who wants revenge and freedom from the necromancer.

I thought about some items I could put in the game, now or later, but i need more ideas. The ones I thought are:

– Some kind of dancing veil or other clothing that could be animated by command to be a rope, a whip, make a bridge, tentacle etc.

– A scabbard of some sorts, maybe from the headless knight (ancient bloodstained?)

– A bottle with Holy Celestial Light inside that could be a lantern and “drank” as a powerful cleanse.

Oh and they got hold on an ancient shadow orb that they broke. It released some dark corrupt energy but it still has some power. I thought to make it divided in 2 shards, one to control darkness and the other to control undead.