At the 4th of June, I made an ‘experiment’.
At the 4th of June, I made an ‘experiment’. I had need for a system for a fast-prepared game. I have the experience of the game with Dungeon World, so I chose it. But I never was very interested in the standard (i. e. Tolkien-like) Medieval environment, so decided to describe the environment, inspirited mainly with the Moorcock’s Hawkmoon’s saga, a bit with King’s Dark Tower and maybe with the modern age element of the Ravenloft setting like in the Western Core and Paridon (like destroyed Art Deco buildings, the well developed technical artefacts and the consequences of the ‘bombings’). The experiment was more or less successful (I can tell about the details if it’s necessary), but the one-shot began to turn into a longer adventure occasionally. I don’t think that I’m unique, so I’m interested in other people’s experience of the using the modern age environment and artefacts.