Here’s a homebrew class I’ve been working on and would love some feedback before I work on putting it into a…

Here’s a homebrew class I’ve been working on and would love some feedback before I work on putting it into a…

Here’s a homebrew class I’ve been working on and would love some feedback before I work on putting it into a playbook template. It uses Inverse World style drives and backgrounds.

Credit to Inverse World for a few borrowed moves and S. John Ross for his God of Cookery concepts from Uresia, Grave of Heaven.

Looking for a player or two for Wednesday night sessions (every other Wednesday pretty much) from 6:30-9:30 PM…

Looking for a player or two for Wednesday night sessions (every other Wednesday pretty much) from 6:30-9:30 PM…

Looking for a player or two for Wednesday night sessions (every other Wednesday pretty much) from 6:30-9:30 PM Pacific time. We have a couple core gamers that have been in the campaign for a while now, but we lost one of our gamers to real life (had a baby) and looking to fill up the campaign.

We play a revised version of Dungeon World with a bunch of what would be considered homebrew type changes to the core game, but it stays pretty true to it. It is fairly some dark fantasy and 18+ years old mature material. We play on Roll20 and use Discord for chat. respond if interested.

It’s bedlam!

It’s bedlam!

It’s bedlam! The bat-things are flying all over, attacking everyone. The cultists are in disarray, fending off bat-things and trying to get their bearings. It’s mostly dark, just a few braziers and starlight lighting the open-aired tower.

The Fighter rushes through the chaos and chops through the manacles, freeing the young lad who was going to be a sacrifice to the Night God. The Fighter then starts ushering the lad toward the exit. “I’m leading him by the wrist,” she says, “sword out and ready for danger.” We agree that this Defend and she rolls, gets a 7-9, holds 1.

We cut the action to one of the other PCs for a bit (the bard, wresting with the cultists on the tower’s edge). That exchange resolves with a cultist plummeting off the edge and the bard making a dash toward the stairs.

We jump back to the Fighter and the lad she freed. They’re making their way through the chaos, trying to make it to the stairs, too. There’s plenty of danger: the darkness, the bat-things, the cultists! The Fighter Defies Danger (with DEX, or INT, or even CHA… whatever. On a 7-9, maybe they get to the stairway but there’s a cultist coming up from down below.

Doesn’t matter, though, because the Fighter rolls a miss. The obvious move is separate them, and I say “as you’re dodging and ducking through the chaos, there’s a scream and the boy’s wrist is snatched from yours, a couple cultists are dragging him away, knife at his throat! What do you do?”

The Fighter, though, is like “Oh no they don’t! I spend that 1 hold from Defend and redirect their attack to me. Before they grab him, I yank him in front of me, so I’m between him and the cultists, then I spin and lash out at them. Hack and Slash?”

What do you think? Hack and Slash? Or does the Fighter just get grabbed/stabbed by the cultists?

Been running my Freebooters 2e campaign for a couple months now and we just had our first player character death…

Been running my Freebooters 2e campaign for a couple months now and we just had our first player character death…

Been running my Freebooters 2e campaign for a couple months now and we just had our first player character death that stuck. It wasn’t epic, he didn’t sacrifice himself, it wasn’t particularly climactic, but it was still powerful. The other PCs took a (very) brief moment to grieve, looted his corpse, and moved on. The player immediately started rolling up a new character. I really appreciate that the char gen process itself is so engaging, because the player was able to work on that in the background while the others carried on, and he didn’t feel like he missed out at all. He was still having fun.

Having started my own podcast recently, I’m made even more aware of the immense skill, talent, and charm that Jason…

Having started my own podcast recently, I’m made even more aware of the immense skill, talent, and charm that Jason…

Having started my own podcast recently, I’m made even more aware of the immense skill, talent, and charm that Jason Cordova and David LaFreniere bring to every episode of Discern Realities!

I am starting a new Forgotten Realms inspired Dungeon World game tonight.

I am starting a new Forgotten Realms inspired Dungeon World game tonight.

I am starting a new Forgotten Realms inspired Dungeon World game tonight. As it is FR inspired we have the option to play different races. I am making a half-orc paladin. My DM is letting me make up a racial as there aren’t any. I am new to this system, so looking for help.


Session Zero 7: Halo, Fang and Horn is now for sale of DriveThru RPG for $2.99!

Session Zero 7: Halo, Fang and Horn is now for sale of DriveThru RPG for $2.99!

Session Zero 7: Halo, Fang and Horn is now for sale of DriveThru RPG for $2.99!–Halo-Fang-and-Horn?src=newest–Halo-Fang-and-Horn?src=newest

So my Compendium Compilation has been out for a while and I was wondering how everyone has been liking it?

So my Compendium Compilation has been out for a while and I was wondering how everyone has been liking it?

So my Compendium Compilation has been out for a while and I was wondering how everyone has been liking it? Do you have any stories from your games involving any of the classes or any feedback on how the moves work or if they are broken in any way? Let me know!