Come join the band of doughty adventurers as they attempt to solve the mystery surrounding the undead that stalk the…

Come join the band of doughty adventurers as they attempt to solve the mystery surrounding the undead that stalk the…

Originally shared by Owen Kerr

Come join the band of doughty adventurers as they attempt to solve the mystery surrounding the undead that stalk the sewers of the Holy City.

This is an ongoing campaign with a revolving cast of characters. Feel free to contact the GM if you’re available to play. 

Accepting playbooks from the core rules, Grim World, and wherever else you can dig up a class. Brownie points if you want to play the character from the GM’s supplement, The Swashbucker!


Dungeon World Drop-In Campaign

Dungeon World Drop-In Campaign

Originally shared by Owen Kerr

Dungeon World Drop-In Campaign

The ongoing adventures of a doughty crew of assorted heroes. The current plot: find the source of the undead plaguing the Holy City of Dannon.

If you want to play, hail and merry met, friend! PM the GM (a new series on SyFy) with ideas about your character. 

Starts at 4:00 PM Mountain Standard Time (Arizona) on Tuesday, June 16. 

No Ongoing Commitment Required (though we’d love to play together again).


An ongoing story regarding an assortment of protagonists.

An ongoing story regarding an assortment of protagonists.

Originally shared by Owen Kerr

An ongoing story regarding an assortment of protagonists. The thickening plots: undead stirring in the network of architecture under the holy city of Dannon… a large tribe of goblins has taken over a decrepit section of the Poor Quarter, driving out the local gangs… refugees swell the city’s population as orcs from across the river dragoon the able-bodied into their armies… 

If you want to play, hail and merry met, friend! PM the GM (a new series on SyFy) with ideas about your character. We play through Google Hangouts.

Starts at 11:00 AM Mountain Standard Time (Arizona) on Saturdays. No Ongoing Commitment Required (though we’d love to play together again).


Let me know what you think, didn’t mess with this one much…it was already pretty much pure genius.

Let me know what you think, didn’t mess with this one much…it was already pretty much pure genius.

Let me know what you think, didn’t mess with this one much…it was already pretty much pure genius. Let me know how it plays.

so i have an idea for an adventure where there is 6 gems and my pcs have to get each one from a different place…

so i have an idea for an adventure where there is 6 gems and my pcs have to get each one from a different place…

so i have an idea for an adventure where there is 6 gems and my pcs have to get each one from a different place (pulling off crazy heists, fighting troglodyte clans finding it in a sewer and stuff) and the get like the fourth gem and they find another group of rival adventurers who are total piss offs and they already have the gem so they race to the last one and than they use all the gems to open the doors to a gigantic underground maze and they have a big boss fight and stuff.

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