If you (like me) find clocks to be an essential part of running any game, you might like these clocks I made for running Dungeon World on Roll20. They follow the Blades in the Dark approach of 4, 6, 8 and 12 segment clocks.
Get the clocks here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1otgGi1cCqqfdtU_0ubUHpYIWtWLonhaW
You’ll want to set them up as a rollable token like so: https://wiki.roll20.net/Collections#Creating_a_Rollable_Table_Token (this will let you adjust the clock on the fly in play).
If you’re not familiar with clocks, this Medium post is a good overview: https://medium.com/@kwhitaker81/locked-clocked-and-ready-to-rock-c42ac20ffbd5
Do post a screenshot if you use them, I love seeing how people set up their games in Roll20.