If you (like me) find clocks to be an essential part of running any game, you might like these clocks I made for…

If you (like me) find clocks to be an essential part of running any game, you might like these clocks I made for…

If you (like me) find clocks to be an essential part of running any game, you might like these clocks I made for running Dungeon World on Roll20. They follow the Blades in the Dark approach of 4, 6, 8 and 12 segment clocks.

Get the clocks here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1otgGi1cCqqfdtU_0ubUHpYIWtWLonhaW

You’ll want to set them up as a rollable token like so: https://wiki.roll20.net/Collections#Creating_a_Rollable_Table_Token (this will let you adjust the clock on the fly in play).

If you’re not familiar with clocks, this Medium post is a good overview: https://medium.com/@kwhitaker81/locked-clocked-and-ready-to-rock-c42ac20ffbd5

Do post a screenshot if you use them, I love seeing how people set up their games in Roll20.

I’ve been thinking about fight scenes in Dungeon World quite a bit (partly inspired by the excellent bursts of…

I’ve been thinking about fight scenes in Dungeon World quite a bit (partly inspired by the excellent bursts of…

I’ve been thinking about fight scenes in Dungeon World quite a bit (partly inspired by the excellent bursts of action in the superb We Hunt the Keepers podcast http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/we-hunt-the-keepers), and I think this short youtube video on choreography in big fight scenes in comics is super interesting and instructive.

“Moving quickly through the moments keeps the pacing up, and means we’re not seeing people standing around asking who’s next … and having the action be constant means it feels overwhelming, and importantly that’s all it has to do; it doesn’t necessarily have to BE overwhelming, it just has to feel like it … You can see it’s a balancing act between believability, which is important, and pace.”

You can think of every few panels as a DW move, and a page following one character is the same as putting the spotlight on one PC for a few moves, and then this all gels together.
