I did this thing tonight.

I did this thing tonight.

Originally shared by Steve Wallace

I did this thing tonight. It’s what I call a #drawfirstadventure  because, well, I drew first. All drawings first using only ink, no pencils or erasing. Then scanned and lettered in illustrator. Print it and fold it into quarters like the video below and it makes a little book.


It turned into the most wonderful version of an adventure I would have created in 7th grade.

Just wanted to drop a link to the kickstarter for No Country For Old Kobolds, a dungeon world hack about kobolds…

Just wanted to drop a link to the kickstarter for No Country For Old Kobolds, a dungeon world hack about kobolds…

Just wanted to drop a link to the kickstarter for No Country For Old Kobolds, a dungeon world hack about kobolds desperately trying to save their village from hordes of murderhobos!


Not to be all spammy or anything, but a signal boost for the evening crowd.

Not to be all spammy or anything, but a signal boost for the evening crowd.

Not to be all spammy or anything, but a signal boost for the evening crowd. 

Originally shared by Steve Wallace

Hey everyone, Rory MacLeod and I have been working on a point buy system for #DungeonWorld  over the past few weeks and it’s finally in an alpha state that we’re ready to share and allow others to poke holes in! The character creation doc will step you through the process, the motives and origins docs will tell you how to deal with alignment and race and the auto fill character sheet will keep track of points for you as you build out a character. Give it a go and let us know what you think!


Hey everyone, Rory MacLeod and I have been working on a point buy system for #DungeonWorld  over the past few weeks…

Hey everyone, Rory MacLeod and I have been working on a point buy system for #DungeonWorld  over the past few weeks…

Hey everyone, Rory MacLeod and I have been working on a point buy system for #DungeonWorld  over the past few weeks and it’s finally in an alpha state that we’re ready to share and allow others to poke holes in! The character creation doc will step you through the process, the motives and origins docs will tell you how to deal with alignment and race and the auto fill character sheet will keep track of points for you as you build out a character. Give it a go and let us know what you think!


Just wanted to let folks know that my DW hack No Country For Old Kobolds has gone through significant updates thanks…

Just wanted to let folks know that my DW hack No Country For Old Kobolds has gone through significant updates thanks…

Just wanted to let folks know that my DW hack No Country For Old Kobolds has gone through significant updates thanks to play testing at Origins and with my local groups. I’m at a stage where I want to open it up for play testing by others to illicit feedback. So if your group is in the mood for some black comedy about kobolds and the terrible lives they are forced to lead thanks to the constant pressures of murderhobos and surrounding kingdoms that want them dead give it a shot and let me know how it goes!


So, I wrote a game. It’s a DW hack called No Country For Old Kobolds. Here’s the introduction….

So, I wrote a game. It’s a DW hack called No Country For Old Kobolds. Here’s the introduction….

So, I wrote a game. It’s a DW hack called No Country For Old Kobolds. Here’s the introduction….

For thousands of years the more adventurous youth of our kingdom have gone forth to slay hordes of the filthy kobold race. These violent, diseased, and rabid vermin deserve to be wiped out. They must be wiped out. Our kingdom cannot stand, our gods will not bless us, our children will not be safe until we wipe this blight from our lands. This is why we cheer our returning youth as heroes! Each drop of kobold blood is another ring in our armor, another blessing from our gods, another safe home for our kingdom. – Thaddeus Blamtoun, Scholar, The Great Library of Kingdom in the Clouds.

Kobolds don’t know why they are so hated, all they know is that they are. It’s the world they live in and considering they only live around 2 years – though they could live much longer if it weren’t for the constant pressures – they hardly have time to find out.

No Country For Old Kobolds is a game built to explore the situation that kobolds in normal fantasy games find themselves in. Why are they so hated? What effect does constant genocide attempts by first level adventurers have on them as a people? It can be depressing, it can be funny and it can be dark. It’s usually a bit of each. It’s black comedy that goes for the jugular.

I hope you have fun.


Anyway, the rules are in beta now and I figure it’s as good a time as any to let other folks see them. 

The markdown file is available at https://github.com/Logosmonkey/kobolds/blob/master/No%20Country%20For%20Old%20Kobolds.mdown 

There is also a .doc file in there if thats how you swing. 

If you get a chance to playtest it or just have some feedback please feel free! FYI there are tons of spelling errors 🙂 I know, I need to go back and edit again.
