Whew. Having a Necromancer and a Dhampir Shaman in the party is never a dull time.

Whew. Having a Necromancer and a Dhampir Shaman in the party is never a dull time.

Whew. Having a Necromancer and a Dhampir Shaman in the party is never a dull time.

Curses, Blood, and Spirits fly as they make deals to resurrect his son and her Vampire mistress in turn, and plan to betray each other.

Al the while the rest of the party stands by, needing their aid in the ongoing adventure but dreading what they actually whisper about huddled together around the campfire or in the corner of the tavern each night.

(No actual whispering takes place, all the players can clearly hear what is happening, it helps them emote “creeped out” in-character).

The sessions are exhaustingly good times.

I threw some players to the wolves with starting questions today — C***, for turning the barbarian Farshad into a…

I threw some players to the wolves with starting questions today — C***, for turning the barbarian Farshad into a…

I threw some players to the wolves with starting questions today — C***, for turning the barbarian Farshad into a buff Vampire Buffet — T*** for making the dhampir Lilith complicit in the Vampire Queen’s shenanigans — and we came up with some incredible action.

I come from a very “traditional” gaming background, and sometimes letting loose the narrative controls is hard for me. I know I messed up a couple times today.

But that being said, Dungeon World paid off in spades today, and everyone did a fantastic job. “A Games” were brought, player character vs player character strife occurred and was resolved, bonds were shattered and new ones reforged.

I am about as happy a GM as I can be, right now.

Apropos of nothing, I find myself fascinated by the different *modes* of DW play.

Apropos of nothing, I find myself fascinated by the different *modes* of DW play.

Apropos of nothing, I find myself fascinated by the different *modes* of DW play. The scale is no doubt a lot finer, but here’s what I mean:

Player: “I run down the falling yard-arm, grab a length of loose rigging, and swing around in an arc, slashing at the pirate captain with my cutlass!”

Epic mode GM: “Roll Hack and Slash” (The set-up is just “cool flavour” that helps give the game an epic, over-the-top sort of feel, where even Parley has anime action lines).

Fantastic mode: “That’s a defy danger to run, grab, and swing, let’s start with that.” (You try something improbable? Let’s roll to see what actually happens).

Realism mode: “You tumble off the falling yard-arm, and narrowly missing the deck, plunge into the cold salt-water.” (No roll offered, because the move “snaps the suspenders of disbelief”, which are quite tight in this case).

Now the last is sort of a bad example, as if the “mode” is understood and agreed on between the GM and players (and it should be) this certainly represents a disconnect. It isn’t supposed to come across as punitive or petty though, rather it’s a reflection of the principle “Fighters just can’t punch out the Apocalypse Drake *unless* there’s some pretty hella crazy mojo going on with their fist.”

I think I’d like to play around with a dimension or alternate plane where the “setting” is very different than what the players are used to.

“No tentacles! This is NOT where we are going!” – A player, in response to a question.

“No tentacles! This is NOT where we are going!” – A player, in response to a question.

“No tentacles! This is NOT where we are going!” – A player, in response to a question.

Session 2: “Hey, there isn’t a move called Swimming!”

Session 2: “Hey, there isn’t a move called Swimming!”

Session 2: “Hey, there isn’t a move called Swimming!”

Added two player characters.

Our new cast:

Lilith, Female Dhampir Shaman

Farshad al-Shaddin, Human Barbarian

And the returnees;

Tam, Female Halfling Thief

Nuhluc, Male Human Necromancer

Dunbar, Male Human Battlemaster

*Who taught Lilith to see and control the spirits?* Choi. (We ascertain Lilith travelled to the “Unknowable East” in her past).

*Why did Choi allow her to live?* She swore a blood oath. (And there’s a question for next time).

*What does Farshad miss most about his homeland?* The sun setting over the dunes.

*Why can Farshad never return home?* It is foretold that when he does he will bring death and destruction to his people.

Last session the group decided to flee Arcasse.

*Where are you headed?* To the land called Nightshade.

*Why Nightshade?* At dusk spirits roam more easily.

*Who was lost at sea during the storm?* The navigator. Perfect!

I am a bad GM — on our first dusk I did not have spirits roaming. A point to note for next session.

The session started on a ship, in a storm, at night. The characters lay in hammocks, soaked and exhausted from trying to keep the vessel afloat. The ship runs aground.

*What one thing do you grab?*

Lilith: her polished bone totem of Desire.

Farshad: his two-handed sword. (Which we decided, was a “Hassan Chop!” style sword).

Tam: her rapier.

Nuhluc: a satchel with his canopic jars.

Dunbar: his dwarven sword.

Tossed and turned in the ice-cold salt water they struggle to the surface. They are past a breakwater, can see the sinking wreck of the ship, flotsam, and a beacon burning ashore not far away.

Dunbar pushes flotsam together, and tam, the lightest, clambers on top and lashes it together with lengths of rigging. They start pushing for the shore.

Lilith uses Spirit Sight (Discern Realities and Murmur). She hears the cold water spirits singing a lullaby, trying to get them all to just relax and sink down, down into the water. Below, only she can see the pearly palaces of the Druagh, who swim upward in long sinewy motions to collect the drowning sailors that are their due.

(Everyone chooses a temporary debility of either Str, Dex, or Int due to heat loss).

Lilith urges speed, and they see a sailor swimming strongly toward them suddenly pulled under. There is little argument.

They aim for an inlet, and the surf thrusts them in and draws them back again and again before finally dashing them onto seaweed-covered rocks.

Farshad sees that men and women scramble down the rocks toward them. The closest leans forward with a hooked pole — and Farshad realizes that the man is not trying to assist him, but shove him back into the water!

Farhad grabs the pole and tries to yank the man off of his feet. (Defy Danger with Strength 10+) and levers the man up over his head and back into the water, where the Druagh grab him and drag him below.

Nuhluc cries out: “Run you mortal fools! I am a powerful necromancer and to meddle in my affairs is to meddle with death!” (Defy danger Charisma seems closest). They don’t buy it, and a thrown rock bounces off his skull, stunning him for a moment.

Tam is threatened by a man with a stout club, and tries to stab him (H&S 7+) — she is knocked off her feet and slides back toward the water, but manages to deliver a deep stab into his midsection, he sinks down and tries to stem the flow of blood.

Dunbar yells some orders to the group and fends off an assailant while grabbing Tam, keeping her from the deadly water. (Defy Danger 10+).

Lilith is threatened by an approaching man. Standing naked, she takes her bone token and whispers its name — inflaming the man’s desire for the token. She then swallows it, so that he will protect the vessel of the thing he desires most in the world. (Spirit talk 6-). The man licks his lips and pulls off his green vest (important later), his desire for the vessel rather more obvious than his desire for the contents.

…and Farshad cuts him in two with a thundering stroke of his mighty sword. (H&S 10+)

Dunbar fences with his assailant, they exchange blows, and Tam flanks the man and stabs him, taking him out of the fight.

Nuhluc sees more wreckers coming down the rocks, so he takes the shattered body of the man in the green vest and unleashes his necromantic magics, weaving the two halves together and pulling it upright.

The wreckers see the dead rise — and flee! Many drop what they are holding, but soon the group is left standing near-naked in the cold sea-wind.

(They loot the corpses, take what clothes they can, and head up to the beacon).

On a rainy evening they can see forest to the north, a track heading west, where a fire is visible, and rising shoreline to the east — cliffs, presumably. The beacon, a simple fire designed to lure ships ashore by appearing as a lighthouse, offers little shelter from the wind or rain.

They approach the camp, expecting another fight, but are pleased to find the wreckers did not remain near-by. Tents, a fire complete with rabbit stew simmering in the cast iron pot — and bales of goods looted from wrecks.

A search of the goods reveals all the gear they could choose from their character sheets (all options, if they want the load) plus extra rations, gear, and Goods.

Goods are miscellaneous trade items. Most are not immediately useful — but if you are looking for one thing in particular, it might well be there. Weight 1, Value 10.

Warm stew, warm blankets, and a warm fire chase the worst of the chill away. (The disability from the sea is lost). Lilith spent most of the night sewing bone armour from the remains in the midden pit, but at dawn they head down the trail. Dunbar is wearing the green vest.

They come to a small fishing village. Few men, and few boats, are visible, but fisher-folk mend nets, stir pots, and so on. One woman, seeing the green vest, cries out in pain and flees into her hovel.

A limping man greets them, and invites them to the only large building in the village — both are named Gull’s Folly. The man, Vestin Gull, is the proprietor.

He offers them a pint of ale. He says he would offer the first one for free, but no one ever asks for a second.

They chat with him, getting a sense for where they are in Nightshade — a lonely stretch of coast between Blackpool and Thyatis, trapped between a vile swamp on one side, bandit-filled woods to the north, and the ruins of an old monastery so scary that not even bandits go there anymore to the east.

He admits that many in the village make their living as wreckers — he doesn’t think there will be trouble if the group are gone by morning.

Tam realizes this man is the richest in town, and assumes he is the conduit for the wreckers’ ill-gotten goods. She uses her skills as a brewer of poisons to examine Vestin’s set-up, and makes some pretty useful recommendations, in exchange for more knowledge — the kind of things those who fence goods would know.

Dunbar folds the green vest (and takes an earring looted from the man) and returns it to the widow’s cottage — one of the village women curses at him in a thick accent, but takes it into the hovel.

The group waste no more time in Gull’s Folly, they choose to sniff around the haunted monastery — it might be interesting!

(I chose not to make this “Undertake a Perilous Journey” — I can’t explain why not, maybe I just wanted to get them into dungeon peril as soon as possible).

Night is falling when they approach the ruined monastery. The ruins are divided into a couple clusters — what looks like a village, a graveyard, collapsed barns, and the remains of the old basilica. A Spout Lore (7+) reveals that it was once known for its famed mosaicists, but has been unoccupied for two hundred years.

Tam smells smoke, and scampers off into the darkness. Lilith chooses to follow, while the others wonder about setting up camp or starting exploring.

Tam cautiously creeps around the ruined village (and on a Discern Reality 10+), figuring out that the blacksmith’s in the centre is occupied, and that there is something slithering along the wall directly above her.

Lilith, well behind, carefully peers into ever shadow. (Discern Realities 6-). The group hear Lilith’s sudden scream!

The group charge into the ruin, Farshad slays the ghoul dragging Lilith. Tam runs through the area, screaming about a giant snake. (She did hear slithering). Nuhluc decants the wrecker he kept, and orders it to keep him safe, but is forced to take shovel in hand and defend Dunbar, who collapses when he is pounced on by another ghoul.

Farshad slaughters a second ghoul, and Lilith, who has come to her senses, traps it’s fleeing spirit. It is the spirit of Unrelenting Hunger.

Dunbar comes to with a ghoul poised above him. He takes his dagger and plunges it up into the creature’s jaw, rolling free of it. Finally, Tam bolts in from the shadows and severs the spine of the ghoul that had been locked in the dead wrecker’s tight embrace.

With the fight over the group bandage a number of wounds, and explore the rest of the village. Tam is paranoid about a giant snake, even though it was probably a ghoul slithering prone along a roof.

In the black-smithy and attached livery they find a recently occupied camp. Two sell-swords, mercenaries of (Spout Lore 7+ “I don’t know, players, you tell me who they were?”) the Wolf-Guard lay recently dead, killed by ghouls. A mule tied in the corner is clearly distressed, but is calmed down. Looting turns up little of distinct value (other than the Wolf Guard cloak pins, chased in silver with garnet eyes they’ll fetch 10-20 coin). Lots of Rations and Goods for the taking, though. It seems there were eight people camping here.

With a careful eye peeled for ghouls, the party decides to camp here until dawn.

The ruins of the basilica reveal a gaping hole in the floor, with three ropes leading down, spikes driven into the fragments of aging mosaic. The group test the ropes, finding them recently placed and secure (and free of traps), and descend.

After exploring a ruined library — and finding a very fancy scrivener’s kit worth about 100 coin — they head down a hallway. At an intersection they find a recent human corpse. The man is in fancy clothing, and holds an ebony and silver wand — he shows several wounds and two short arrows stick from his back. (Spout Lore 7+: Goblins!).


Nuhluc animates the man.

Down one branch they see a glimmer of a lantern, obscured by something.

Investigating they find a jury-rigged barricade, and two dead goblins.

“Stay back, I have a spear!”

(This was designed as a bit of an alignment check. There has been some dark stuff going on in our group, so I wanted to do a bit of a litmus test).

After a parley, the youth, a porter hired by “Fistanabus the Magnificent,” a wizard, pulls back his barricade. With a spear and a pack filled with supplies, the teenager is clearly nearly out of his wits, told to flee when a goblin ambush turned deadly. The boy names the rest of his adventurer companions.

They escort the boy outside, telling him his employers are probably gone — Nuhluc marches the dead wizard down the corridor so the lad doesn’t see the body. They tell him to take the mule (Misty! He’s alive!) and flee the area.

Exploring further, we use the Exploring the Maze move from the last session — Spotter (Tam) and Rear-guard (Lilith) roll 7+, Nuhluc rolls 10+ on cartographer.

Lilith sees the goblin eyes behind her, dozens of them, glowing like coals, and approaching, while Tam discovers a crude pit trap ahead of them.

Tam set about trying to disarm the trap, but leave her with the trigger, she wants to be able to have the group cross, then trigger it on the goblins. (Tricks 10+, so yes).

The goblins surge toward the group. Farshad and Dunbar for a front line, but soon have goblins clinging to their legs, and squeezing past them (7+ successes on H&S).

The goblins are not much of a threat individually, but there seem to be an awful lot of them, and the group are rolling a lot of 7+s, this is turning into a deadly grind. Tam calls out “Let’s make a break for it!” And that’s when the perfect storm occurs.

Lilith unleashes “Unrelenting Hunger” on the goblins, hoping they will devour each other. (Spirit Talk (Seance) 6-). The goblins are driven forward with unrelenting hunger for the group’s flesh!

Then everyone tries to sprint across the trap, where Tam waits to spill the goblins into the pit. And only one of them makes it. The barbarian and the thief have crossed the pit, but Dunbar, Nuhluc, and Lilith are trapped, surrounded, and swarmed!

Dunbar has reached 4 Gambit, and reveals his plan! He pulls on the rope, triggering the loose beam and collapsing the ceiling. The group are still being swarmed, but now most of the goblins (those who were not crushed) are cut off from our group.

The group’s luck turns again, and with a solid effort the last of the goblins fall.

The group looks for somewhere to hole up and lick their wounds. Nuhluc successfully lays on hands on Dunbar, who is in the worst shape — and they find the old wine cellar. The human warrior, Malloc, one of the adventurers, lingers near death there. Nuhluc offers to heal him (Lay on Hands 6-) — but death cannot be denied today, and his mastery of the magic of life and death is not enough to save the warrior.

Lilith traps Malloc’s Spirit in her Spirit Trap — the spirit of Loyalty — and the group starts to barricade the door and set about making a makeshift camp.

Session End

Amusingly for me, but not for them, the group failed so few rolls this time that they all noted it — and the three who failed at the goblin encounter had such a notable failure.

Farshad earned nothing from failure, either did Tam.

On the other hand, Lilith managed to go from 0 to 8 exp in the session, mostly on the strength of failure. Spirits are dangerous stuff.

“Man, this session sucked! I rolled like a god!”

“Man, this session sucked! I rolled like a god!”

“Man, this session sucked! I rolled like a god!”

– Player who just marked 3 exp for an entire session, not one of them from failed rolls. (Alignment, Defeat Notable Foe, and Learn Something Important).

I’ve played before,but today was my first session running DW, and all of our first time with material from Grim…

I’ve played before,but today was my first session running DW, and all of our first time with material from Grim…

I’ve played before,but today was my first session running DW, and all of our first time with material from Grim World.

Our cast:

Tam, Female Halfling Thief known for her reckless behaviour. (Played by Jay, a DW newbie with AW experience).

Nuhluc, Male Human Necromancer (played by Bill, system newbie).

Dunbar, Male Human Battlemaster (played by Dylan, a DW vet).

We have one or two players on vacation, hoping for four or five players next session.

Nuhluc’s starting jar? The body of his son, who he is keeping safe until he has the knowledge to heal him. Dark, poignant, and very promising.

Starting Questions:

Tam has never been in a Guild, she treasures her independence. She recently returned an heirloom to the son of the Burgomaster of Manthar — it was attracting too much heat for her.

People react very poorly to Nuhluc’s black magic, although he swears he only uses it for good. Offered a significant purse to conduct a ritual recently, he refused as his abilities were not to be squandered for mere coin.

Dunbar did not join the war willingly, although he was honourably discharged. His ancient sword was once owned by the Dwarven King Grell, and glows in the presence of Orcs.

(Racial move from GW swaps in another class starting move, and makes one of your starting moves an advanced move).


Tam spent time in jail with Nuhluc.

Tam is doesn’t fear Nuhluc, he seeks to change that.

Dunbar leaves a trail (or banquet) of corpses for Nuhluc.

Dunbar doesn’t approve of Tam’s wild and impetuous ways.

Tam earned Dunbar’s respect on the battlefield.


Searching for the Monster of Arcasse, for which the Duke has offered a large purse of gold, in the slums, the floor gives way and the group tumble into the darkness…

…Nuhluc wakens first, and tries to get by without any light. He fails. Tam comes to, and they get a lantern lit (and we explain “Adventuring Gear”) . They find Dunbar, and rouse him.

Question: Who did not survive the fall? Their guide, Rix, a local thug who swears he saw the beast.

There is no return through the collapsed rubble above, and only one exit. Nuhluc tries to Discern Reality (fail). His lantern flickers and the wick grows dim — he forgot to refuel it before they left! Another adventuring gear use crossed off, as they grab a pint of lamp oil.

Nuhluc tries to Raise (well, Awaken) Rix — but fails. An encounter moves a room closer.

Tam slides through the narrow gap into darkness — Nuhluc gives her his ear (gross!) and she puts it in a pouch as she leaves. She sees two glowing eyes!  She throws a dagger (looted from Rix) (+1d8+2 damage 1d6 does 2 hits – one past the creature’s one point of armour) and calls for help.

The “mummy” is revealed (very weak undead) — as is the charnel house, stacked with bones and with niches filled with bodies in the wall.

Dunbar goes on Defense, and repels an attack while Nuhluc dithers about figuring how to command this corpse. Tam tumbles past the creature’s grasp (Defy danger, success). She stabs the walking corpse (Fail) and the blade is lodged, and wrenched out of her grasp.

Nuhluc raises a second corpse, and then sets it upon the walking dead. Old bones break under the pummelling assault while Dunbar weathers a scratch or two but continues to Defend.

Tam grabs her blade and wrenches it out of the back of the creature, severing the spine and killing it.

Each corpse has a small votive jar shaped like an amphora. Tam loots them all, each contains two coin. She’s frustrated, and would rather they robbed a merchant.

Nuhluc Spouts Lore. The catacombs are hundreds of years old, this is the way they used to inter corpses before the Empire was founded. He dismisses his undead servant.

They search a couple of the connecting chambers in the old catacombs before finding a locked bronze door, green with age.

Tam sees that the lock is trapped, and improper unlocking will trigger it. She sets about to pick the lock, as the men guarding her back see two more skeletal undead approaching.

Dunbar goes on the defensive again — and Nuhluc flees!

Dunbar dispatches one of the monsters with a single swing of Orcbiter, while Tam works the lock. She succeeds! But a pin darts deep into her palm! (3 damage).

Nuhluc retired to find a corpse, and raises another minion.  Dunbar batters the remaining monster with his shield before it could maul Tam, and Nuhluc’s minion hits it once before Dunbar slays it too.

Tam inspects the needle. There, dried by the passage of time, are flakes of old poison she suspects is deadly Nightbane — her carelessness could have cost her her life! Oh well! She swings the bronze door open!

Inside is a small chamber with marble panels, and a sarcophagus. Little attention is paid to the bas reliefs that fill the walls, Tam struggles vainly with the massive stone lid.

Dunbar notes that this will not work out well, and finds a crowbar in his pack. Together they shift the lid — and break the seal they never looked for — which then flies aside, shattering it and the marble reliefs as the mummy awakens!

The mummy attacks Dunbar, who meets it with his crowbar — they are both injured.

Nuhluc sends his undead minion into the fray, remaining clear, but it is hammered by a backhand blow (Fail) and sprawls against the near wall with a shattered leg.

Tam circles the sarcophagus, and while the mummy shakes Dunbar like a rag-doll she jumps on it’s back and sinks her blade into it. (She rolled maximum damage — and as this wasn’t a “real” mummy almost killed it).

Dunbar hammers the claw end of the crowbar into the mummy — and it hurls him against a wall — he feels ribs snap (STR debility).

Of course that was Dunbar’s plan all along! Maintaining his grip on the crowbar he rips it free as he is thrown — the extra damage is more than the creature can take! It collapses.

After bandaging wounds Tam stows the mummy’s regalia, which she is sure she can fence for 500 coin.

Exiting the catacombs into a maze of old sewers, buried buildings, and abandoned sub-basements the group try to get back on mission and find information or the location of the Monster.

Custom Move taken from This Very Website! (I can’t remember who posted it, though).

*Exploring the Maze*

When you explore the maze, choose one party member as the spotter, one as the rear guard and one as the cartographer (the same character can only have one job). If you don’t have enough party members or choose not to assign a job, treat that job as if it had rolled a 6. The spotter roll+DEX, the rear guard roll+WIS and the cartographer roll+INT. On a 10+, the spotter can find a way around any traps on your way. On a 10+ the rear guard will spot any trouble quick enough to let you get the drop on it. On a 10+, the cartographer marks an efficient path on their between the room the left and the new room the enter. On a 7-9, each role perform their job as expected; you do not blunder into any traps but you still have to deal with them, no one gets the drop on you but you don’t get the drop on them either , and you find a new room without getting lost. Retracing your steps When you seek your way back to a previously visited room, if you have an efficient path marked on your map you get there quickly, though you still have to deal with any traps left behind on that route. If you do not have an efficient path marked on your map, you still take +1 for each time you visited it when rolling for Exploring the Maze, though on a hit you will get back to the previously visited room instead of a new one.

They all succeed, but Nuhluc gets a 10+, so they find a bloody trail that leads them to a “nest” of ruined clothes that must belong to the Monster of Arcasse!

Tam uses Trap Sense — and finds an ivory quarrel with a tip covered in fresh blood among the torn and bloody rags.

Nuhloc Spouts Lore — ivory arrows and quarrels used to be a gift of the Temple of Lamar the Hunter, blessed beneath a full moon they are said to be able to kill any beast.

Dunbar Discerns Reality (Fail) and totally ignores the fresh blood and — no one is ready for the beast when it storms into it’s lair!

The creature attacks Tam, who is holding the ivory quarrel!  She tries to roll out of the way, but has a tough choice — escape safely and knock Nuhluc into the path of the beast, or suffer it’s attack! She chooses to not sacrifice her companion, and weathers it’s vicious assault ( b2d8).

Nuhluc sends his minion at the beast! It’s fists do no damage to the monster. Dunbar chooses to distract the beast from Tam, his armour and shield protect him from the worst of the beast’s rage.

That distraction allows Tam to use the quarrel like a dagger and plunge it into the back of the beast! The blessed quarrel does it’s job and the creature collapses. Then — slowly, it starts to lose mass! It’s red fur becomes long red hair, it’s muscles become the smooth skin of a maiden wounded twice, the quarrel still sticking out of her back. She is dead, and how will the group prove they slew the beast?

Nuhluc motions the others away, and with necromantic magic inters the red-haired woman into one of his canopic jars.

Exhausted and injured they repair to their inn, stalking through silent city streets. Hammering on the door until the inn-keep unbarred it, they trooped off to their beds, leaving mundane concerns until the morning.

The next day, cleaned and partially mended, they headed into town, fenced the treasures and went shopping. They noticed a lot of guards — like, all the guards — combing the streets and alleys.

Inquiring, they discovered that the Duke’s daughter was missing. You know the one — long curly red hair…

…the one sitting in Nuhluc’s canopic jar?

I hear the outer provinces are nice this time of year.

Reading my shiny new copy of Torchbearer.

Reading my shiny new copy of Torchbearer.

Reading my shiny new copy of Torchbearer.

The Chapter Wandering Monsters (pg 129 for those following along with their pdf at home) is an absolute treasure trove for DW GM Moves.

With eight sub-categories ranging from “Monster Twists” to “Talking Twists” it is three pages that any DW GM will not regret having access to.

And it is a wonderful looking book, an interesting game I look forward to running, although a different approach to the same goal as DW.

Do I build “Beyond the Wall” World?

Do I build “Beyond the Wall” World?

Do I build “Beyond the Wall” World?

First, Beyond the Wall and other Adventures [1] is a “Young Adult Fiction” take on OSR-style D&D, modelled on the worlds of Ursula K. LeGuin (A Wizard of Earthsea, etc) and Lloyd Alexander (Chronicles of Prydain). Nothing wrong with it, lots of evocative playbooks (some available for free at Drivethru — check the Noble characters book if you’re interested in seeing their take on playbooks) and “discover through play” stuff going on there already. The free Village map [2] is a wonderful DW resource for villages and towns — lots of room to discover through play, or even Vornheim the place right up.

Second, in a bout a month’s time I should have the opportunity to run a game, and Dungeon World is at the top of the list. Already have a framework for very perilous adventures — but I would willingly toss that over my shoulder if I thought I could pull this off.

What do I need to do? Build six playbooks. Most of the “vanilla” Dungeon World playbooks might need to be dumbed down a little bit. Cleric has to go, Witch’s Prentice should fill that slot well enough.

Or maybe I’m looking at this too closely. Are the existing playbooks fine?

[1] http://www.flatlandgames.com/btw/

[2] http://www.flatlandgames.com/btw/downloads/Beyond_the_Wall_Town_Map.pdf