So, I’m running a game this weekend, and one player has expressed interest in playing a conjurer- summoning spectral animals to aid her.
I’m not sure what class would best cover all the bases for a typical conjurer. Any suggestions?
So, I’m running a game this weekend, and one player has expressed interest in playing a conjurer- summoning spectral…
So, I’m running a game this weekend, and one player has expressed interest in playing a conjurer- summoning spectral animals to aid her.
I’m not sure what class would best cover all the bases for a typical conjurer. Any suggestions?
OK guys, I feel like I need to become a better GM- I’m stuck in D&D mode in many aspects.
OK guys, I feel like I need to become a better GM- I’m stuck in D&D mode in many aspects.
Can anyone recommend any videos to watch to see how it should be done?
Lately, I find combat becoming very samey.
Lately, I find combat becoming very samey. I’m not sure if it’s because of the class-based damage, or all the weapons having nothing to really differentiate them… I just feel like anyone who isn’t a caster just goes through the motions in combat.
I think DW is just a bit too lightweight for my tastes at the moment. Is there some kind of supplement to add some rules and differentiating factors? I like dungeon world and the way it works, but the combat just doesn’t tickle my fancy anymore.
As a GM preparing for my first session after our group’s move to DW, I can say that I’ve never felt so free.
As a GM preparing for my first session after our group’s move to DW, I can say that I’ve never felt so free. So many avenues to pursue, so few restrictions to get worked up about.