Hey there people, I just finished consuming the Dungeon World book and have a few questions.
Hey there people, I just finished consuming the Dungeon World book and have a few questions. This will be a long-ish post, so please bear with me 
How do you mechanically differentiate between a harder action and an easier action? Two players are trying to outrun the same rampaging troll, they both have to Defy Danger. It has been established that one is faster than the other, how do I include that in the resolution of the move(s)?
Secondary effects from threats – like being hit and thrown tumbling – how should that be handled? Should the damage be reduced a bit, maybe cut in half, to allow for a secondary effect?
Lets get (very) specific: In the Dungeon World book there is a combat example:
“Right in the middle of some long goblin invocation the priest just drops to the floor. Her acolyte immediately starts shaking her to wake her up. Neither of them is paying much attention to the albino crocodile, which is no longer content since no one is rubbing its belly. The goblins on the fumes, though, they’re coming right at Rath.”
Ben jumps in. “I step between Rath and the crazed goblins and make myself a big target, drawing the goblin’s attention with a yell.”
“Sounds like defend,” I say.
“Okay, I rolled a 7, so I hold 1.”
“Great. The three goblins on fumes practically bowl Rath over as they slam into him, swinging their daggers wildly.”
“No they don’t!” Ben says. “I spend my hold to get into the way and direct the attack to me.”
“So Brianne steps in at the last moment, pushes Rath out of the way, and the goblins lay into her instead. Looks like 5 damage. Nora, Brianne’s got these three psychotic goblins all over her, Rath’s just put the priestess to sleep, the crocodile’s stirring, and Omar’s nowhere to be found. What are you doing?
Lets say that Ben failed that Defend roll, what would (should?) have happened? Should the Goblins just have dealt their damage to Rath or should Rath have had an opportunity to do something?
In the same vein, say my characters are exploring a dungeon and step into a corridor that I know to be trapped. They are experienced adventurers, so they are assumed to be on the lookout for traps and the like. How do we resolve whether they spot the trap in time? In the fiction we all consider the adventurers smart and experienced, we know they would be looking for traps, but we also think there should be a chance they miss one… are they Defying Danger?
How kosher is it to have several characters make identical moves simultaneously? Lets say the room they are in starts collapsing, rocks fall and everyone (might) die. Can I ask everyone to Defy Danger at the same time? Probably with some differentiation in how they do it, the Fighter might hold his shield up and roll +str, while the Thief dodges with +dex, etc.