After several months of hiatus (I blame White Books) my Keep on the Borderlands 1983 campaign is about to reach its…

After several months of hiatus (I blame White Books) my Keep on the Borderlands 1983 campaign is about to reach its…

After several months of hiatus (I blame White Books) my Keep on the Borderlands 1983 campaign is about to reach its conclusion in the next couple of weeks. On my plate for the next session:

– A mashup of all my fronts to try and reincorporate as much stuff as possible: a mindflayer corporation, angelic macropocalypse, the Eye of Gruumsh, a Spelljamming pirate ship, the wererat plague epidemic…

– Another read through Inglorious to decide if I want all this to end in a planar battle.

– A list of ideas for a sequel campaign set in 2013, maybe using the Sixth World hack.

I’m really excited!

3 thoughts on “After several months of hiatus (I blame White Books) my Keep on the Borderlands 1983 campaign is about to reach its…”

  1. I love the concept of the White Books but so far couldn’t convince anybody to play with me 🙁

    Hoping to give you some feedback at some stage.

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