Need two players to fill in an ongoing campaign this Friday night around 8pm EST.

Need two players to fill in an ongoing campaign this Friday night around 8pm EST.

Need two players to fill in an ongoing campaign this Friday night around 8pm EST. It will likely continue to fall on Sunday mornings or Friday nights, whatever works for the group.

Those interested, inquire within. We record the sessions if you’d like to see the current story of the player dynamic [ – link on the left in the twitter box]. We’ve currently lost our Halfling as a result of schedule conflicts.

30 thoughts on “Need two players to fill in an ongoing campaign this Friday night around 8pm EST.”

  1. Friday nights are somewhat hit or miss with me, hard to predict sometimes on when those are available but sunday mornings usually free for me if games are going on then & needing one more person. I’ll check about to see on this friday if free or not but usually won’t know until earlier in the day.

  2. I am open to all playbooks, but I will have to review and accept them beforehand so let me know what you’d like to use. Level 1 to start of course. Go ahead and start creating! Post your characters here once you have them. For my own plug, I have three playbooks you may or may not have seen at my site, If you are interested in one of them, I will provide it for play without buying it.

  3. Gabriel Aliaga Darren Priddy Johnny A Rory MacLeod Matt Smith Kaillan Reukers Aaron Mehlhaff Ian Francis If you guys are interested, go ahead and post your characters. We play this Sunday morning! First 4 make the cut.

  4. I’ve decided to go with SNIVELY GLOBFINGERS, the Goblin Thief. I’m using the Goblin racial move from Number Appearing. If you don’t have that book, here’s the move: When you Defy Danger to get away, take +1. He is otherwise using the core Thief playbook.

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