Does anyone have any good tools or tips for making DW maps? Mine always are confusing and hard for the players to follow.
Does anyone have any good tools or tips for making DW maps?
Does anyone have any good tools or tips for making DW maps?
Does anyone have any good tools or tips for making DW maps?
Does anyone have any good tools or tips for making DW maps? Mine always are confusing and hard for the players to follow.
Comments are closed. maybe?
Make the players draw the map.
Make a box and just put throne room here.
Why not have Michael Prescott provide the map?
Taryn Fox Witch’s Garden and the Warlock’s Greenhouse
FATE-style zone maps, perhaps?
Are we talking campaign maps or dungeon maps or both? I find I do ok generating campaign or world maps, but can’t do dungeons for beans, but it’s something I’m working on.
One tip I can offer, though: KISS it. (Keep it stupid simple). Don’t over complicate it, something as simple as an index card with a name on it will do and let the story fill in the details.