I’d like to have a definite answer about the Horde tag.

I’d like to have a definite answer about the Horde tag.

I’d like to have a definite answer about the Horde tag. Does it mean one little pesk (with X hit points) or a bunch of them (with X Hit points per group)?.

The book give us this description: “Where there’s one, there’s more. A lot more”. I know I could treat a great number of monsters as a pool of HPs, like a swarm (as the Dungeon World Guide suggests)  .

For me, the book describes one individual and we could find a lot more wandering around there.

Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel, I need to clarify this to the brazilian community. Do you mind to give us a word about it?

5 thoughts on “I’d like to have a definite answer about the Horde tag.”

  1. If the HP was for groups, then the HP scale would go the other way with groups having higher and solos having lower.

    As it is, hordes have such low base HP because their threat doesn’t come from a single creature, but from the fact that killing one barely dents their numbers.

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