I posted the same question on the Story Games forum, but it can’t hurt to ask it here, as well. I finally read World of Dungeons and the Planarch Codex, which I’m really excited about.
I’m currently wondering about the heritage moves. I can understand why you would want to use the hold mechanics in standard Dungeon World, sort of like the Mutant’s move in Adventures on Dungeon Planet; but in WoDu, couldn’t you just state the heritage moves and use them without limit, just like any other “do something risky” move? Limiting their uses seems artificial; while it seems that their limitless use would make heritage moves ultra-lite playbook moves.
I was never a big fan of heritage moves for some reason but the way it is handled in Class Warfare with the Monstrous Heritage specialty tipped me over.
Ouch! I’ve been drooling over that book, but after a long (subjectively) uninteresting period Kickstarter has a gazillion interesting and expensive things going on right now. Maybe I’ll wait a while…