So, I wrote a game. It’s a DW hack called No Country For Old Kobolds. Here’s the introduction….
For thousands of years the more adventurous youth of our kingdom have gone forth to slay hordes of the filthy kobold race. These violent, diseased, and rabid vermin deserve to be wiped out. They must be wiped out. Our kingdom cannot stand, our gods will not bless us, our children will not be safe until we wipe this blight from our lands. This is why we cheer our returning youth as heroes! Each drop of kobold blood is another ring in our armor, another blessing from our gods, another safe home for our kingdom. – Thaddeus Blamtoun, Scholar, The Great Library of Kingdom in the Clouds.
Kobolds don’t know why they are so hated, all they know is that they are. It’s the world they live in and considering they only live around 2 years – though they could live much longer if it weren’t for the constant pressures – they hardly have time to find out.
No Country For Old Kobolds is a game built to explore the situation that kobolds in normal fantasy games find themselves in. Why are they so hated? What effect does constant genocide attempts by first level adventurers have on them as a people? It can be depressing, it can be funny and it can be dark. It’s usually a bit of each. It’s black comedy that goes for the jugular.
I hope you have fun.
Anyway, the rules are in beta now and I figure it’s as good a time as any to let other folks see them.
The markdown file is available at
There is also a .doc file in there if thats how you swing.
If you get a chance to playtest it or just have some feedback please feel free! FYI there are tons of spelling errors I know, I need to go back and edit again.
Krusty Wightbred
Very nice. I like the three levels of play.
Thanks, yeah it became clear when I started this that having multiple levels of play was required. The village being a central character was important since your kobolds die all the time (in my playtest most players went through 3 or 4 kobold generations) and the players really need a solid thing to attach emotion to.
The inglorious unit bit is just nice to deal with how much stronger everything is!
I hear you on managing power. In my own hack I kept HP static at 7, made them get better comparative to monsters, but kept murder hobos super tough.
A fantastic game. Much fun!