A steadings tag question: A need tag gets erased when the need is fulfilled through trade (p.218, Surplus).

A steadings tag question: A need tag gets erased when the need is fulfilled through trade (p.218, Surplus).

A steadings tag question: A need tag gets erased when the need is fulfilled through trade (p.218, Surplus). One can be added when trade is blocked (p.218, Trade). So it feels like the two tags are mutually exclusive, but there are other rules that show that they aren’t. For instance, a keep starts with both need (supplies) and trade (a steading with supplies), and there is a problem choice that adds both need and trade tags to a town. Is that an inconsistency, or is there an explanation that eludes me?

3 thoughts on “A steadings tag question: A need tag gets erased when the need is fulfilled through trade (p.218, Surplus).”

  1. I believe the key word is “fulfilled”. Just trading with a place that has supplies won’t satiate your need for it, but if a place has a temporary need that is satisfied by trading with another location, you can erase it.

  2. Sometimes you have trade that’s not enough to take care of your need, just deal with some of it.

    Fort Battlemoore needs supplies. It gets some from Blacktree, but it still needs more.

    A new trade route opens up between Battlemoore and Enfield, shoring up their stocks. They now don’t need any more supplies (they have enough).

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