A new rote just came up today when I discussed cleric spells with my Paladin player.

A new rote just came up today when I discussed cleric spells with my Paladin player.

A new rote just came up today when I discussed cleric spells with my Paladin player. Being on his way to gaining a move giving him access to clerical spells the guy got a bit frustrated there are no protection spells he can use to boost his armor even more. So I had to explain that the Shield of Faith in DW most probably will have nothing to do with deflection bonuses.

Shield of Faith


As long as you keep chanting your faith’s creed, asking the diety for protection, any item in your hand will behave like a shield of the same shape and size. The effect will fade the moment you fall silent.

On the down side, I’m pretty sure that way I will be lawyered into giving him a +1 armor bonus for a weapon in his hand come next session… Sigh.

P. S. Can we have a Spell category in the community or the limit has already been hit?

6 thoughts on “A new rote just came up today when I discussed cleric spells with my Paladin player.”

  1. I don’t understand? A shield is just an object that blocks things. If its the same shape and size, then isn’t it just as effective at blocking things as before?

  2. Michael Walsh I should probably tweak the wording because technically it is possible to say that a helbeard being any item in your hand will serve you as a shiled. It is reasonable to some extent – the wooden shaft won’t break – but not that much.

    …any item you use to protect yourself will behave as if it was made of steel.

  3. Yeah you’re right. I don’t even see a problem with it working on the weapon, I just didn’t see the advantage as you can technically already block with a weapon if you wish to. Theoretically a sharply pointed piece of cloth could be used as a spear in this situation too?

  4. If you read “to protect yourself” broadly, yeah it will. The best defence is an offence after all. I guess it will also work wonders with a cloack layed out over a spear pit, etc.

    And my main concearn was with this +1 armor bonus shileds grant you. I think it will depend on wheather an object is used as shield or in a different manner. Making your 3 foot pole unbreakable is good enough already.

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